April 3rd, 2022



Post: Run, Iris, run

Who: Iris Perks, open
What: Winsta-gram post
When: 3 April 2028
Warnings: None

irisloves so march was... a month. i'm not sorry to see the back of it. april is feeling just a little brighter and i have news!

in october me and my dad will be running the st. mungo's half marathon. this is so far out of my comfort zone but we're raising money for curse research which is something very close to our hearts.

a link to my sponsorship page is in my bio 🏃🏻‍♀️💰💖

3 April 2028



Group Text: the roundtable of besties

Who: Molly, Frank, Hailey, & Cassandra.
What: Engage Panic Mode.
When: (Sunday, April 03, 2028, morning)
Warnings: Whining, mild language.
Completion Status: Complete.

Burnt toast, Sunday... )



Text: Making anniversary plans

Who: Hunter McLaggen, Lucy Weasley
What: Hunter needs a second opinion
When: 3 April 2028
Warnings: None
Completion status: Complete

Text to Lucy )