April 17th, 2021



Text: Siblings GC

Who: Manny, Penny, & Rhys
What: Family GC catch up sesh
When: 4/17/2027; morning
Warnings: Morning crankiness, I'm sure.
Completion Status: Complete.

They didn't have my coffee... )



Text: Alexander Breaks His Silence

Who: Alexander & Holly
What: Alexander breaks his silence.
When: 4.17.2027
Warnings: Confessions, Feelings, Reconciliation
Completion Status: Ongoing Complete

So if the answer is no, can I change your mind? )



Text: thoughts?

Who: Violet & Wesley
What: Vi is working on something new and would appreciate some brainstorming.
When: 4/17/2027; afternoon
Warnings: TBD
Completion Status: Complete

No rush! I swear! )



text: a show next weekend

Who: Celestina & Liam
What: Making plans for next weekend
When: 17 April 2027
Where: Text
Warnings: None
Completion Status: Completed

How do you feel about live music? )



text: call for help

Who: Penny & Hailey
What: Dress Help
When: 17 April, 2027
Warnings: None
Completion Status: Complete

Halp )



RP: Alexander's Not Wasting Time

Who: Alexander + Holly
What: Alexander drops by
When: 4.17.2027
Where: Holly Shingleton's Penthouse
Warnings: Adult; NSFW
Completion Status: Ongoing Complete

I love you, Holly Shingleton. )



RP: Shenanigans

Who: Wes and OPEN to anyone who wants to go to the club
What: Dancing, drinks, debauchery
When: 17 April 2027
Where: La Frénésie
Warnings: None (borderline adult)
Completion Status: Faded out/Complete

always an opportunity for inspiration )



Text: Tingling Senses

Who: Jules and Holly
What: Senses are tingling
When: 17 April 2027
Where: Her cottage
Warnings: None
Completion Status: Complete

something big was happening )



RP: Musicals & man-eating plants.

Who: Bash & Tina
What: Movie night? Man-eating plants?
When: 4/7/27; night
Where: Tina's flat
Warnings: None
Completion Status: Complete

Believe it, baby, it talks. )



RP: Celebratory Drinks

Who: Thad and Rachel
What: Celebrations
When: 17 April 2027
Where: The Hollow Owl pub in Holyhead near the stadium
Warnings: NSFW -- Adult situations
Completion Status: Faded out/Complete

like a moth to the flame )



DM: Hey

Who: Hunter McLaggen, Molly Sue Weasley
What: Winsta-gram DMs
When: 17 April 2027
Warnings: None
Completion status: Complete

Been to any good parties lately?



RP: Oh brother

Who: Albie Potter, Becca Ollerton
What: The little brother and the ex girlfriend
When: 17 April 2027
Where: Sweet Nothings, Victory Road
Warnings: None
Completion Status: Complete

Blame the cake )



RP: A New Schedule

Who: Thomas + Jules
What: Thomas has a night off
When: 4.17.2027
Where: Victory Bar, Victory Road
Warnings: TBD
Completion Status: Ongoing

What's a day off? )



RP: Unexpected conversation

Who: Maria & Lucy
What: Maria runs into a familiar face at the pub.
When: Saturday night 4/17/27
Where: The Leaky Cauldron
Warnings: None
Completion Status: Ongoing

Oh, hi there. )