May 10th, 2008

[info]badpenny in [info]1931

Fic: 5 Drabbles (multiple people)

I'm not quite brave enough to offer full-blown fic, but events at work have inspired me to drabble a bit. (And oh my, it's tough keeping to 100 words when you're still trying to get a handle on characters. My apologies if any of these folks feel off.)

There's nothing explicit (beyond a kiss), but overly-cautious me wouldn't read this at work for little girls perving over older men (and older men letting them), hints of m/f and m/m, and Tick promising to get creative with his scissors.

5 x 100 words. Also, someday, Carol and Eve need to meet.

Carol and Gustav St. Germain )

Firo and Ennis )

Luck and Claire )

Eve and Keith )

Tick and Berga )