January 22nd, 2008

[info]skeren in [info]10_rpscenes

Food? - Sephiroth/Zack

Title: Food?
Authors: [info]icedark_elf and [info]skeren
Characters: Zack Fair and Sephiroth
Fandom: Final Fantasy Seven
Theme Set: HW1
Theme: Relaxed 36
Warnings and Notes: There are OCs in this one. SOLDIER OC's. Hayes is Icedark_elf's and Hendriks is Skeren's.

They had been discussing tactics )

[info]baffledking in [info]10_rpscenes

Torchwood: Jack and Ianto

Jack and Ianto are employees of Torchwood Three, a branch of the The Torchwood Institute is a secret organization founded by Queen Victoria to research and combat alien threats to the British Empire, and use their findings to restore the Empire's former glory.

Captain Jack Harkness is a former time traveller and former con man from the 51st century. He was stranded in the 19th century, as an immortal, and has been living through the 20th century and into the 21st. He's the leader of Torchwood 3.

Ianto Jones is general support for Torchwood Three. He's the one who cleans up the messes.

Title: 9 Months
Authors: [info]becky_h and [info]baffledking
Characters: Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones
Fandom: Torchwood
Theme Set: Theme Set #LW1
Warnings and Notes: Mpreg
Wordcount: 21,538
Summary: 9 Months and the aftermath

To be read in order:
1. Content
2. Coffee
3. Annoyed
4. Energetic
5. Façade
6. Kinky
7. Pensive
8. Predatory
9. Red
10. Relaxed

Captain Jack Harkness: There you go. I can taste it. Oestrogen. Definitely oestrogen. You take the pill, flush it away, it enters the water cycle, feminises the fish. Goes all the way up into the sky, then falls all the way back down onto me. Contraceptives in the rain. Love this planet. Still, at least I won't get pregnant. Never doing that again.