Youka Nitta
1st-Jan-2011 03:40 pm - Yuletide recs

I made some recs/announcements on my personal journal, but realized that those of you not on my F-list might not have seen these. I participated in the Yuletide fic fest this year, and there were three fics written about Youka Nitta fandoms: Boku no Koe, Fuyu no Semi, and a Haru/When a Man Loves a Man crossover.

10th-Jun-2010 04:31 pm - FIC: "Just Dessert" (present for snapelike)
Title: Just Dessert
Author: [info]bronze_ribbons
Fandom: Haru wo Daiteita
Pairings: Mochimune/Miyasaka, Yoshizumi/Kenzaki
Rating: PG, mainly for some swearing
Wordcount: ~1025
Inspirations: This is a present for [info]snapelike, in celebration of a journalversary. Written completely on the fly today, in a "OMG get this bunny out of my head so I can get on with my life" flail, so there may be some tweaks later. It was prompted in large part by my current obsession with [info]geri_chan's Yoshizumi/Kenzaki arc in her Comeback universe, so this is arguably an AU futurefic for that series as well.
About the dessert: I happened to be looking at this page in a dim sum cookbook last night, about a dessert that looks like Kodak rolls and is nicknamed as such in Hong Kong. I couldn't find any online references to the nickname, so the link will take you to a scan of the page from the cookbook. You can also see a photograph of the dessert at the Wiki entry for black sesame rolls.

Just Dessert

Mochimune had not ordered dessert, so he was startled when the waiter set a small plate in front of him. )
26th-Dec-2009 03:57 pm - Yuletide Rec: No Life Save When the Swords Clash
[info]bronze_ribbons already recced the awesome Iwaki/Katou fic Dust to Dust (which is great; you should absolutely go read it), so I'd like to add one more Yuletide rec, that I stumbled across when checking to see what other Haru fics were available on the archive:

Title: No Life Save When the Swords Clash
Author: anonymous until New Year's Day
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Mochimune/Miyasaka, Kikuchi/Onozuka, Sawa/Yukihito, Iwaki/Katou
Word count: 7938
Summary: The problem with making a masterpiece is that there's usually other people involved.

24th-Dec-2009 11:16 pm - FIC: A Gift for Miya-chan
This is a little last-minute, spur of the moment Christmas present to my fellow Harudaki fans, inspired by a previous news post (see afterword for details). Hope everyone has a lovely holiday!

Title: A Gift for Miya-chan
Rating: R (mainly for language and suggestive dialogue)
Fandom: Haru wo Daiteita (Embracing Love)
Pairing: Implied Miyasaka/Mochimune and Kikuchi/Onozuka
Characters: Miyasaka, Onozuka
Word count: ~1,240
Disclaimer: No money is being made off this story; consider it a little wish fulfillment on my part.
Summary: Onozuka gives Miyasaka an unexpected Christmas present.

Follow the link to my journal...
28th-Aug-2009 12:10 am - Fic: How to Tame a Lover in Three Easy Steps
Title: How to Tame a Lover in Three Easy Steps
Pairings: Mochimune/Miyasaka; Kikuchi/Onozuka; Miyasaka/Onozuka
Universe: Haru o Daiteita
Word count: 7,250
Warnings: Fisting (implied), exhibitionism, voyeurism, changing partners, a bit of coercion and dominance.
Rating: NC-17
Notes: I had promised to write a few anniversary drabbles for various people... you know... tiny, little stories around 100 words. Last time I did that, it ended with 40K of Carlo/Magira. This time I've limited myself. So this er- drabble is for [info]sexyscholar who wanted "...something around Onozuka/Miyasaka. I don't have a specific plot, but fisting would be lovely, along with an occasional use of the word "slut." I don't have a preference as to who dominates -- let your imagination take you where it will.".
This can be seen as a sequel to Autumn Fire and Masks, Removed. Beta by [info]red_day_dawning.
Also, I had to find a given name for Director Mochimune for this, and it did take me a while, since I plan to write quite a bit more about the man. Mochimune is an old noble name, and as I'd like to stay with the bushi naming, I poked around and found Hideharu (秀治) which can mean "brightness unfolding" or "beauty's reign" - a fitting name for an arrogant, first class film maker. So in the future my Mochimune will be Mochimune Hideharu, except if Nitta-sensei decides something else in the last, final chapter of Haru o Daiteita (which I doubt).
Summary: A drunken challenge and two hurt lovers. Revenge and victory turned on its head. Onozuka has effective ideas when it comes to letting his lover know that he is not satisfied by being treated as a toy to save Kikuchi's pride. Director Mochimune is taught a similar lesson, and Miyasaka learns a bit about feelings himself.

How to Tame a Lover in Three Easy Steps )
28th-May-2009 09:02 am - Ficlet: Autumn Fire (Mochimune/Miyasaka; PG)
Title: Autumn Fire
Pairing: Mochimune/Miyasaka
Word count: 450
Rating: PG
Notes: For [info]geri_chan
Prompt: "Mochimune/Miyasaka! Miyasaka auditioning for Mochimune's film, or maybe Mochi working with Miyasaka in private to help him get a scene right."

Autumn Fire )
27th-Feb-2009 05:33 pm - Fic: Masks, Removed (Iwaki/Katou, Mochimune/Miyasaka; NC-17)
Title: Masks, Removed
Pairings: Iwaki/Katou, Director Mochimune/Miyasaka
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 5,500
Warnings: Exhibitionism, voyeurism, bdsm.
Notes: Sequel to Katou's Gift.This is a (late) gift for [info]elingu, who requested a sequel to that particular fic. I hope your mood is better now, [info]elingu ♥. This is betaed by the incorrigible [info]blpaintchart.
Summary: Director Mochimune has developed a habit: he likes watching his main actor in intimate situations, something that seems to be accepted by said actor's lover. But things don't always turn out the way Mochimune wants them...

Masks, Removed )
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