Youka Nitta
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26th-Dec-2009 03:57 pm - Yuletide Rec: No Life Save When the Swords Clash
[info]bronze_ribbons already recced the awesome Iwaki/Katou fic Dust to Dust (which is great; you should absolutely go read it), so I'd like to add one more Yuletide rec, that I stumbled across when checking to see what other Haru fics were available on the archive:

Title: No Life Save When the Swords Clash
Author: anonymous until New Year's Day
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Mochimune/Miyasaka, Kikuchi/Onozuka, Sawa/Yukihito, Iwaki/Katou
Word count: 7938
Summary: The problem with making a masterpiece is that there's usually other people involved.

This is a brilliant fic, in which Mochimune is filming a movie with a script by Sawa, starring Kikuchi, Onozuka, and Miyasaka, and there are multiple layers of manipulation and deception going on, with Mochimune scheming to get the best performances out of his actors, and Sawa scheming to get the best performance out of both the actors and Mochimune. The bickering between Mochimune and Kikuchi is hilarious, as is the elaborate pastoral-themed party that Sawa throws (complete with a fluffy bunny-shaped cake). The lovers' banter between K&O is sharp, witty, and sexy, and yet manages to convey a degree of genuine tenderness.

The characters make ruthless assessments of each other that are sometimes funny, as when Onozuka says, "Yoshizumi's too good to be true and Iwaki wants to be," and sometimes thought-provoking and insightful, as when Iwaki compares the differences between how Katou grew as an actor during his stay in America and Kikuchi didn't. I loved the author's portrayal of my favorite couple, Kikuchi and Onozuka, and how the author put a slightly different twist on them that opens up all sorts of intriguing possibilities: K&O are both shown here as talented actors who haven't yet reached their full potential, who are a little too wrapped up in the awareness of their own cleverness to fully get into their roles the way that Iwaki and Katou do. In observing both Kikuchi and Onozuka, and Iwaki and Katou, you really see how much farther along the latter two are as actors, and how much more seriously they take their careers--a really fascinating contrast. Miyasaka is also great--not just the flirtation between him and Mochimune, but the moment of wistful vulnerability he shows when observing how close K&O are. We also get to see Onozuka's concern for Miyasaka, and I thought that their friendship was really nicely portrayed.

I'm looking at what I've just written, and it doesn't capture just how freaking hilarious this fic was--I was laughing hysterically throughout it! At the same time, there were a few serious moments that really gave a lot of depth to the characters. I can't recommend this highly enough--please go read this fic and tell the author how great you think it is!
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