Youka Nitta
31st-Jul-2009 12:19 pm - Questions about Sawa and families
In my Kikuchi/Onozuka series, I made Kikuchi's father a retired detective. Recently, in this comment (*swats away Sawa and crossover bunnies. I swear...*) on one of my fics, [info]bronze_ribbons reminded me that Sawa used to be a detective--giving me more plot bunnies to add to the gazillion already clamoring for attention! >_<
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25th-Mar-2009 10:33 am - DOUBLE DRABBLE: Professionals
Title: Professionals
Prompt: #18 - business
Characters: Sawa Nagisa is Nitta's. The inspectors and Kohaku are mine. The American in the second drabble is Sanami Matoh's.
Rating: G
Notes: Two 100-word drabbles. They are prequels to the ficlet I am currently working on for the Embracing Spring fest (caveat: if the plot gets any more out of control, I will table it for later and come up with something simpler and fluffier for the fest). There is in fact a travel advisory currently in effect regarding Roppongi bars.
Summary: There has been an epidemic of drinks being spiked in Roppongi. Some of the patrons are professionally interested in the situation.

As Assistant Inspector Akatsu led away the perpetrator... )
27th-Jan-2009 11:16 pm - Fic: Where the White Lilies Grow,10/10(Carlo/Magira, Iwaki/Katou, Shu/Shouji, Sawa/Yukihito; NC-17)
Title: Where the White Lilies Grow (10/10)
Universes: Haru wo Daiteita & Casino Lily
Pairings: Carlo/Magira, Iwaki/Katou, Shouji/Shu Ti Fan
Rating, all over: NC-17
Warnings, all over: Explicit sex and violence. Shameless Romance. This is not an angst-fest.
Word count, this part: 11,000 – the entire fic: 46,000
Notes: List of all chapters over @ IJ here. This fic is for [info]elfflame who wanted me to put Magira in this situation. An "oyabun" is the non-blood-related "father" in the relationship between a younger yakuza and his older protector. The line of poetry comes from "The Song of the Bowmen of Shu" in Ezra Pound's brilliant approximation (1914) to Wen Wang's ("Bunno" in Japanese) poem. Also, regarding canon names in CL, there're differences from the scanlation to the US translation, and again to the Jp version. Bear with it, if it doesn't sound like the name you're used to. (And of course I don't have my JP manga here. Grrrr.)
Summary: When Carlo comes home from a business trip only to discover that Magira has left him, he has to change the passive way he usually takes when it comes to defending his relationship with the charming, but spoiled young player. Carlo has once offered to wager his entire fortune in exchange for Magira's company. This time, Carlo has to realise that his life might be at stake as well...

Where the Wild Lilies Grow, Chapter 10/10 )
19th-Jan-2009 09:13 pm - Fic: Where the White Lilies Grow (Carlo/Magira, Shu/Shouji, Iwaki/Katou; NC-17)
Title: Where the White Lilies Grow (9/10)
Universes: Haru wo Daiteita & Casino Lily
Pairings: Carlo/Magira, Iwaki/Katou, Shouji/Shu Ti Fan
Rating, all over: NC-17
Warnings, all over: Explicit sex and violence. Shameless Romance. This is not an angst-fest.
Word count, this part: 6,400
Notes: List of all chapters over @ IJ here. This fic is for [info]elfflame who wanted me to put Magira in this situation.
Summary: When Carlo comes home from a business trip only to discover that Magira has left him, he has to change the passive way he usually takes when it comes to defending his relationship with the charming, but spoiled young player. Carlo has once offered to wager his entire fortune in exchange for Magira's company. This time, Carlo has to realise that his life might be at stake as well...

Where the Wild Lilies Grow, Chapter 9/10 )
13th-Oct-2008 10:49 am - Fic: Where the Wild Lilies Grow 08/10(Carlo/Magira; NC-17)
Title: Where the Wild Lilies Grow (8/10)
Universes: Haru wo Daiteita & Casino Lily
Pairings: Carlo/Magira, Iwaki/Katou, Shouji/Shu Ti Fan
Rating, all over: NC-17
Warnings, all over: Explicit sex and violence. Shameless Romance. This is not an angst-fest.
Word count, this part: 5,800
Notes: List of all chapters over @ IJ here. This fic is for [info]elfflame who wanted me to put Magira in this situation.
Summary: When Carlo comes home from a business trip only to discover that Magira has left him, he has to change the passive way he usually takes when it comes to defending his relationship with the charming, but spoiled young player. Carlo has once offered to wager his entire fortune in exchange for Magira's company. This time, Carlo has to realise that his life might be at stake as well...

Where the Wild Lilies Grow, Chapter 8/10 )
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