X Meets World Information

Recent Entries

Information on X Meets World RP Game


June 5th, 2007

The hospital and grounds

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June 3rd, 2007

Notes on the game

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June 2nd, 2007

About the X virus itself, and its secondary effects

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June 3rd, 2007

Powers Listing

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We will be unveiling powers on this listing as we assign them to potential new applicants. Here you will find blurbs on powers, what they do, and their assets and limitations. It is suggested that you read through this list and become familiar with yours and other players' powers.

Powers are below this cut )

June 1st, 2007

PB List

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Feel free to browse this list and check out taken PBs, or request a PB that we'll hold for you while you create your character.

Taken PBs )

PBs on Hold )

Character Bio Form

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Again, please fill in all items with the appropriate info or "not applicable". We will NOT accept incomplete bios.

Use your character journal to post this filled-out bio in a comment to this post. Upon approval of the mods you can then move it to your userinfo as per the rules.

Player Info
Name or Handle:
Location/Time Zone:

Character Info
Code Name:
Powers: You will be given a powerset. Its uses and limits will be documented on this community.
Weaknesses: Your character has 'em.
Appearance: Give just enough detail to get the point across.
Personality: How do they act when happy? Sad? Angry? Under stress?
History: Remember the world we've built for the RP and try to connect your character to it somehow.
Other: Anything else we need to know? Skills your character has? Hobbies? Put that here.

Copy and paste from the above box for some quick and easy formatting.

Player Application

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Our method of application is a bit unorthodox: we ask that you submit a short application BEFORE creating your character. This is because in keeping with the spirit of the game, you will not be aware of your character's power until your application has been accepted. See the Rules Post for more information.

Any application not filled out in full will not be considered. If there is something that does not apply to you, please write "Not Applicable" after that particular heading.

THIS IS NOT A CHARACTER BIO. You create your character and their journal after acceptance and receipt of your powers.

NOTE TO PROSPECTIVE PLAYERS WITHOUT INSANEJOURNAL ACCOUNTS: You MUST provide a valid e-mail address in your anonymous comment, or else we will have no reliable means of reaching you.

Player Application

Name or Handle:
AIM: We suggest getting AIM and an AIM screen name. It's a great way to connect realtime with your fellow players. It's not necessary but you might find yourself missing out on RP opportunities without it.
Links to Previous RPs: This is optional, but we'd like to get a feel for how you play from here. The locations will have no bearing on whether or not you're accepted. Only your play quality will matter.
Writing Sample: We prefer a prose or RP based writing sample. Just enough so that we get a handle on your style.

Copy and paste what you see in the box above into a comment, fill 'er out and leave it here. We'll get back to you ASAP, either by responding to your comment or by emailing you.

All comments will be screened.

X Meets World Rules

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Under the cut you'll find our rules. While verbose, most of them are common sense. If you're confused, please ask a mod.

A. Characters (Creation and Interaction )

B. Gameplay and Posting )
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