Posts Tagged: 'fandom:+hp'

Apr. 8th, 2009



Dictionary: On the Finer Points of English Swearing

Name of site: On the Finer Points of English Swearing
Type of link: Dictionary - British slang
Warnings: Swear words aplenty
Explanation of link: A basic list of some common British phrases and swear words.

Apr. 20th, 2008



What's in a Name?

Name of site: What's in a Name?
Type of link: fandom - hp, resource - names
Warnings: some spoilers for the HP books.
Explanation of link: An resource for looking up information about the names of the HP characters and what they mean.



Community (LJ): Canon or Fanon?

Name of site: hp_canon_finder
Type of link: fandom - HP
Warnings: Spoilers for all HP books
Explanation of link: A community to post requests for help to find facts about the Harry Potter series.

Feb. 6th, 2008



Possible Occupations in HP 'verse

Name of site: Possible Occupations in HP 'verse
Type of link: Fandom, character building, rpg
Warnings: n/a except this is some random RP game and on gj - therefore it might disappear.
Explanation of link: Someone put together a fascinating list of possible careers for rpg characters, divided into categories. Nor am I suggesting any of the game mods on this list should consider recreating it to preserve its awesomeness. Really, I'm not. No matter how cool an idea this is. Since mods from both of my games are on this flist. But it's not a suggestion.

Nov. 22nd, 2007



A special list - Fanfic archives

This will be in no way complete, but feel free to make suggestions for additions.
- I will post links to non-postable archives as well as those you can join and post to yourself, so long as it is an archive for more than one author.
- If you have an addition to make just give me the Name, a link, and if it's fandom specific, general, ship specific, etc.  Also, please list any other details, like what kind of fics can be archived there, what ratings, what ships, etc.

General all-fandom archives )

Fandom-specific Archives

Harry Potter Archives )

Other Fandoms )



The Harry Potter Lexicon

Name of site: The Harry Potter Lexicon
Type of link: Fandom - HP
Warnings: Spoilers for all books now
Explanation of link: THE HP site.  The first place to stop for any information on the Harry Potter books.  Lists of so much here.  If you can't find it here, you'll probably have to dig through the books to find it.

Nov. 4th, 2007



Encyclopedia: Harry Potter Wiki

Name of site: Harry Potter Wiki
Type of link: Encyclopedia
Warnings: Spoilers for all books
Explanation of link: A user-run encyclopedia for the Harry Potter series.

Oct. 5th, 2007



JK Rowling's Official Site

Name of site: JK Rowling's Official Site
Type of link: Harry Potter resource
Warnings: None
Explanation of link: JK Rowling's official website, including all sorts of unusual tidbits.



Definitive Harry Potter Canon Characterisation Guide

Name of site: Definitive Harry Potter Canon Characterisation Guide
Type of link: Character guide
Warnings: None
Explanation of link: A great list of Harry Potter characters by book and chapter, or alphabetically.



The Akashic Record

Name of site: The Akashic Record
Type of link: Encyclopedia
Warnings: None
Explanation of link: A lovely compellation of information about the people and things in the Harry Potter books.



HP Britglish

Name of site: [info]hp_britglish_lj
Type of link: English usage
Warnings: None
Explanation of link: A community over at LJ for posting questions about differences between America and Britain.  Not just language, but attitudes, terms, locations, and anything else you might want to know.

Oct. 4th, 2007



Willow's Harry Potter Character Guides

Name of site: Willow's Harry Potter Character Guides
Type of link: Character Creation
Warnings: None
Explanation of link: Most of the major and minor characters' parts in each book books one through five, and part of six, aside from a small selection of the most major characters.



What's in a Name?

Name of site: What's in a Name
Type of link: Name list
Warnings: None
Explanation of link: A list of the names in the Harry Potter books and their origins.



Poll: What Is Your Animagus?

Name of site: What Is Your Animagus?
Type of link: HP Fandom
Warnings: None
Explanation of link: A great way to figure out what your character's animagus was.



The Unofficial, Sixth Year Hogwarts Scholar's Guide to Wizardly Sun Signs

Name of site: The Unofficial, Sixth Year Hogwarts Scholar's Guide to Wizardly Sun Signs
Type of link: Astrology
Warnings: None
Explanation of link: A great site for character creation.  Particularly if you can't decide on a house for your Harry Potter character, or a birthdate. 
Goes through each of the Western sun signs and how they would vary for each house.