Sep. 22nd, 2019



[No Subject]

Hello! Nic here! New to the game but happy to be playing with you all!

This is Jay Miller, 29 year old human turned werewolf as of two years ago. His home life was sad -- parents fought a lot and then his mother left when he was still young. He was very depressed and withdrawn for most of his childhood, went to college and started to come out of his shell, though. He was very interested in supernatural creatures because he liked the idea being someone other than who he was with a completely different life that he could start over fresh from. He knew Kitty and Jesse through werewolf activism before he was turned, Jesse declined to turn him at the time because he knew Jay was putting the whole idea on a bit of a pedestal and he was right to think that. But then Jay was mortally wounded during a protest and the Greene pack decided to convert him.

Being turned didn't necessarily solve all his problems the way he wanted it to, but Jay is very much happy to be a member of the supernatural community. He works as a freelance writer and at the Jam-Jar Part time.
He's a sweetheart, creative, introverted and very empathetic. He's still a bit shy but very warm and welcoming of most people, really. Still figuring out his living situation, I'd like for him to have a roomie if there are any takers!

I'm open for any interaction whether it is within his own network or outside of it.

I'm easiest to reach on email or discord!

Sep. 1st, 2019



[No Subject]

Hi folks

MJ here with a character that I've had in the works for a while now but never actually got around to putting electronic pen to paper. This here is Maxmillian De Luca in the form of the ever lovely Noah Centineo, but please call him Max because he associates his full name with being in a world of trouble.

He will be a new'ish arrival to Los Angeles, will be a Line Cook at Jack's, and will be trying to find his new feet. His new shakier more vulnerable feet. You see Max was in a car accident when he was 20 and suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury as a result which means he was irrevocably changed in a lot of ways. It took him a long time to be able to do all the things he was able to do before which included walking and talking. He honestly hates how he is right now given the ongoing health issues that affect his physical, mental and emotional self and will be looking for a supernatural fix whatever that might be. Reckless comes to mind in regards to how far he's willing to go to go back to how things were before the accident.

Looking forward to getting him involved and interacting with as many people as possible!


Aug. 30th, 2019



[No Subject]

Hello you lovely people! My name is Uma and I'm sliding on in with one character at the moment (although I'm working on a second). This here is Everly Eastey, she's a 21 year old college student and a witch from a very long line of witches. Everly is an environmentalist with a heart of gold, she's very friendly and enjoys meeting people.

She can be a bit *too* much at times, which she's sorry for. Her craft is somewhat angled towards wards and protection, although she is good with potions and some mild divination skills. Her info is all here along with my contact info.

I am excited to get playing with everyone!

Aug. 28th, 2019



[No Subject]

hi there! my name is max, and i am new here! nice to meet you!

i am bringing in this lady here, a fae-cursed human named zahra! she is an officer in that weirdo psuedocult you might have attended a seminar of! her family is also cursed by the fae. basically, do not hand her anything fragile because she will inevitably break it! or trip and fall. definitely trip and fall.

z is a very social creature who will talk ANYONE'S ear off if they are stationary long enough. so i am looking for lots of social connections, both new and old! friends, frenemies, exes, etc! she has been in the area for years so i'm very sure she's made her way to most pc/npc-run locations by now! she is also on a lot of the path's literature, so you might recognise her from there too! you can learn more about her here.

excited to play with all of you! :)

Aug. 22nd, 2019



[No Subject]

Because I find it hard to *not* have a JMo face, I'm spinning back into the game with Brett, a tiny bit updated and revamped and ready for action.

Brett's a witch, she's been in LA almost her whole life, her family are from here and they have some deep magical roots in the area. Brett's great-grandmother was a bit of a big deal all those years ago and it's expected that Brett will follow that line. She mostly would just like to curl up with books and her cat and watch Netflix. Her info is here, general consensus is that Brett's been in Dallas for a few weeks visiting her brother, sister in law and their gorgeous kids, but is now home.

Throw me plots or ideas, as ever, my others are all up for stuff too <3
P.S; here are my others

Aug. 12th, 2019



[No Subject]

This is Lexi with Number 2!

Meet Astrid. She's a werewolf, member of the Hunt pack. She's been a little MIA recently thanks to being in prison >.<. Okay, it wasn't her fault. The guy was getting handsy with this girl who didn't want it and he wasn't taking the hint. She had to do something. Just... kinda... did more than she should have. Yea...

She's natively from Boulder City, Nevada. Real white trash sort of upbringing. Parents were shit. She became semi-famous for 15 min as a victim of a werewolf attack. Also a nice PSA for why you don't hang out in a were's territory on a full moon. Drunk recent high school grads... Her parents disowned her after that and her Uncle reached out- also having been disowned for being a werewolf.

She used to bar tend at Midnight (might again if they'll rehire her... though considering it was one of their patrons she beat up...). She also has been known to fight in Tooth and Nail a time or two. For someone so short she really is a firecracker waiting to go off. Always some sort of energy bubbling to the surface, typically anger.

Astrid is being released from prison and looking to... well... get back to life.

I know she has a lot of connections with her pack, always up for talking backstory and stuff with some peeps. Friends, enemies, etc. all welcome.

Aug. 7th, 2019



[No Subject]

Hey all! Squid here with a new bae; I swapped out Jett because they were just getting a little to hermity. So, one chaotic neutral for another.

This is Hollis, who is a human with a tendency towards volatile in some situations. She's a woman of many extremes; extreme fun, extreme anger, extreme tiredness. Hollis has ties to the very upper class of American politics, being the bastard child those Kennedy's. Naturally, Hollis went to the rebel side due to all the scrutiny.

More about Hollis is here, she's a bounty hunter who just helped a work mate wrangle a group of bikers with warrants so she's hitting LA with a lot of money to burn.

Hit me up for plots and fun!

Aug. 4th, 2019



[No Subject]

I know I just joined, but I have been musing about a second character already. I have a muse who's looking for action [info]mannaro, granted she'll have to be revamped, but her basic personality would probably remain the same (and PB). Basically she's a werewolf who's young and restless. Full of pent up energy that tends to release itself as rage (she's a fighter) or in the bedroom (if she can't get into a good fight and there's a willing guy).

She's feisty and fun and kinda lives in a van (or did, kinda liked that aspect of her lol).

Anyone have need for someone like her? Fill a wanted or something?

Aug. 2nd, 2019



[No Subject]

Hey all! My name is Lexi. I know some of you, others are new.

I’m bringing in Domino. He’s an incubus. He’s a New York native whose lived in LA since he graduated high school. He’s a musician/actor/cult leader. Well he doesn’t consider himself a cult leader, but if we’re being honest, he is. For the last seven years or so he’s been preaching The Path of ama te ipsum (the path of loving yourself). They have a mansion in Beverly hills and a commune in Palmdale.

Dom in himself is very outgoing. He doesn’t seem like an average cult leader if you were to meet him out and about, you’d think he was just another actor or musician or just a party boy. He’s incredibly charming and tends to flirt with everyone (even if sex isn’t the end goal in that situation). He really just wants everyone to be happy!

Now that he’s accepted I’m going to write up some stuff about The Path in more detail, but basically it’s run like a big family with Domino at the head and an inner circle that’s around him. They’re free love (all the adults spiritually marry into the rest of the family to show their commitment), pro-consent and are very accepting (especially of those who feel different). Only those in the inner circle know what Dom is.

Looking for friends/acquaintances in and out of The Path. Also people he’s worked with in the past. Anything. Dom loves all people! Yes at some point the cult will be outed as such, shit will go down. But for now, it’s all fun. ;)



[No Subject]

Hi folks

MJ here with another boy to my roster. This time I bring you Michael Crawford in the form of Matt Bomer. He is a 400 year old American vampire who was alive to see the start and end of slavery as well as fighting in the Civil War as well as WWII so it's safe to say that he does like to fight for what is right and decent.

He's also Billy's Sire and will be landing in LA after Daniel reaches out to give him a heads up that his childe is struggling with a few things and regardless of how they parted it's worth a shot at reconciliation because it's been a while.

Michael just won't mention what he did in order to get Billy prison instead of death ;)

As always I am open and up for all the things so have at him!


Jun. 1st, 2019



[No Subject]

Good afternoon all!

Time for activity check! As a reminder, the requirement is one piece of activity, be that a completed scene, an ongoing scene, text message etc.

Comment to this post before June 7th with the following information:

If any of y'all have fancy-pants trackers then feel free to link to that instead. Characters that came in after the 18th have a free pass for this month :)

Comments are screened.

May. 15th, 2019



[No Subject]

What's a thing that Squid's forgot to do recently? Introduce her characters as they're added? Oh yeah, that's a thing she forgot to do.


Ainsley Carrow
- Fae touched human from small town Ojai
- has power over light energy
- is a sweet angel baby
- wanted to be a journalist, isn't 100% sure now
- starting college in the fall, up for many shenanigans in the mean time.

Kelly Porter
- human goof ball
- gamer dork & coder
- loveable idiot basically
- moving back to LA to be awesome dad goals

Jett Sterling
- 300+ year old vampire
- not little miss personality
- works in the justice obtaining business -not exactly legally though
- protective af

And I think that's me done as far as characters go (maybe, there's like one other possibility but like, no i need to stop jesus stop me) so open for plots and fun times. :)

As ever my others are open for plots too

May. 1st, 2019



[No Subject]

Good afternoon all!

Time for activity check! As a reminder, the requirement is one piece of activity, be that a completed scene, an ongoing scene, text message etc.

Comment to this post before May 7th with the following information:

If any of y'all have fancy-pants trackers then feel free to link to that instead. Characters that came in after the 18th have a free pass for this month :)

Comments are screened.

Apr. 26th, 2019



Scene Lottery Fun Times

Hi all

Your local friendly neighbour Mods here bringing you the first ever Scene Lottery

There's no time limit on getting these scenes done, the whole point of this is to have fun and interact with people/characters you might not normally.

The Pairings )

If you have any problems hit us up via the Dropbox but until then have fun!

~ The Mods

Apr. 22nd, 2019



[No Subject]

Been awhile since I tossed in a new one, but better late than never!

Gideon Ramsey (@scatteredpieces)
An upbeat, generally easy going guy, if a little private, Gideon's been in LA for about seven years now. A fae-touched with the ability of psychometry, he's been more or less just trying to keep his head down and his hands clean since he moved here. Raised by a pair of con-artists and thieves, he still knows the tricks of the trade, but he's doing his best not end up behind bars like his parents. So far, its been working out pretty well for him. He avoids cops like the plague, and gets cagey around anyone that insists he can use his abilities to help, but otherwise - if you don't have a problem with him, he's probably at some point tried to be your friend.

Right now, he's working over at Boudin as a waiter/bartender, and he's open for any and all kinds of lines - friends, ex-employers/coworkers (he's bounced around a lot these past couple of years), current coworkers, random encounters, all's good!



Plot Announcement

Hi all, your friendly neighbourhood mods here with the first of our gamewide plots, open for you to hop in and take part in if you so desire. If this plot isn’t going to be one that your characters can be involved in at this moment, please don’t worry, other large-scale game plots are in the works and will be speckled through the next few months to make sure everyone gets a go.

The plot details are behind the cut, drop a note on here if you want to be involved and haven’t already been called out as being part of it within the main write up, I’m sure we can work away for you to be involved!

Missing Persons )

Apr. 19th, 2019



~ IC: Meme ~

It's that time again, meme time! Another IC meme because those are the most fun ngl.

Comment on the entry with the name of a character(s) and the other players will send you a word from the below list and you as the player of the character(s) will provide 3 confessions

  • Blab: 3 secrets they’re keeping.

  • Mwah: 3 people they’d like to kiss.

  • Similar: 3 members of the same sex they find attractive.

  • Different: 3 members of the opposite sex they find attractive.

  • Pastime: 3 hobbies they have.

  • Doing: 3 habits that they have.

  • Psst: 3 things that they’ve always wanted to tell your character. [If you do select this option then make sure you list which character you want this answer to be for]

  • Shh: 3 things they wouldn’t want their parents to know.

  • Dream: 3 wishes they have.

  • Want: 3 things they would do to your character if they were alone. [If you do select this option then make sure you list which character you want this answer to be for]

    NB: Hopefully this doesn't need explaining but just in case it does everything that is asked/answered within this meme is not considered in game canon unless agreed by the players OOC

    Have fun all!

    ~ The Mods
  • Apr. 18th, 2019



    Jumping on the intro train

    I was gonna wait, but waiting might take a week or two so blah.

    Squid here, new kid, this is Fallon Grace, he's an old old old Fae warrior/solider, typically a successful one too, at least until one epic defeat that came after he and his commander ended up offending the royals of the Host -not a good idea~

    Fallon's been in banishment for several years now, and in a complete 180 is working as an accountant for three different nightclubs in LA, but also assisting in keeping his former commander from just living on stale take out and booze.

    He's pretty easy going on the whole but relies a lot more on his fighting rather than his fae magic skills.

    He, like all my others over here are up for anything and everything.

    Apr. 17th, 2019



    New Person/Character

    So, hello peopley type people. My name is Irish and I am brand spanking new to this lovely game. I know some of you, and some of you are new to me. Or, well, I'm new to you since y'all were here first!

    Anywho, on to the character!!

    I bring you all Angelique Mieke van Detta. She's a bitten werewolf and beta of the Faoladh pack (which is always looking for new members). She owns The Neverending Story, a new and used bookstore in town, and there are spots open for employees there as well!

    She's also part of a small group within the pack that are mercenaries. No one knows who they are, only how to get a message to them.

    Lieke's full bio can be found HERE, and you can reach me at (email), alationshadow#6130 (discord), and/or Lieke's contact page. I'm always up for play and new connections and I look forward to playing here!!

    Apr. 2nd, 2019



    newbie here

    Hey guys! My name is Raq and I'd like to bring you a lass who's currently going by Nina. She's one of those people who tends to skim by life by the seat of her pants, doing small gigs and sleeping on couches to get by. Oh, and she also has this old tarot deck that - in conjunction with her weak witch gift - does, in fact, actually let her read the future. Not that she thinks of it as anything more than actually reading people, which she's darned good at. Clearly this is just a matter of her being really good at that. Right?

    She's also a chronic liar. Mostly white lies, and/or harmless ones, but about the only time you'll get the straight truth out of her is when she's doing her reads. (Or just if she can't think of a clever lie.)

    Anyway! She's been in LA for about six months, and frequents most coffee shops as a regular and/or to browse the bulletin boards. Easy CR opportunities are past reads, people who've let her crash at their place in exchange for a favor/job or two or just friendship, and/or people who've let her help with small gigs. Other than that, though, I'm very open to ideas, whether they be past, present, or future!