Friday, January 22nd, 2010

modly post #9

PLOT UPDATE: In order to move forward, we're setting a date for the next round of plot-related group threads. If the current Crossroads/Frostbacks threads are not done by either Wednesday, 1/27, or Friday, 1/29, we would like to post two major starters: one for Alistair's group (this includes Noble/Bard/Crow, as well as the dwarves and their companions) to reach the edges of the Brecilian Forest and recruit [info]arandil & [info]tahal; and one will be for the Team Circle/Chantry arrival at Vigil's Keep. If anyone would like to volunteer to start these threads, please let us know, otherwise the mods will post. The only thing to know ahead of time is that the date will be Summerday.

If the current threads are not completed by then, they will NOT be closed -- you are still allowed to reply and wrap them up. However, these threads and anything that takes place between then and Summerday will be considered backscenes, as it will no longer be the IC "present date". If anything about this doesn't make sense, just ask, and we'll try to clarify.

As we draw closer to events at Amaranthine and eventually splitting up, we will let you know more about our plans for groups. If you are playing a COMPANION and have not yet replied to this post to let us know/confirm where you think your character will be, please do so.

A Note on Courtesy: While we appreciate enthusiasm, it has come to our attention that certain behaviors have come across as less than respectful and it is making people, including us, uncomfortable. A reminder about replying can be helpful if someone hasn't responded in over a week and may have forgotten, but asking on a daily or more frequent basis can get annoying, frustrating, and be a turn off in the creative process. Waiting can be difficult, but patience will often be rewarded in a higher quality response and a happier partner. That being said, if you are feeling overwhelmed, don't feel bad about saying "no" to someone's request for interaction -- it's not beneficial to take on more than you can handle. Prioritize what you need to write, and let others know where you're at. If it is an important group thread that ties into the main plot, we can try to work around your character so that nothing gets held up. As always, if you're having a problem, just drop us a note in the mod journal and one of us will get back to you ASAP.

Thanks all and have a good evening.
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Friday, January 8th, 2010

modly post #7: activity warning/progress report

Tonight being a night for adds, please update your f-lists and welcome our new characters! We have a whopping population of over 30 characters, and over 50 entries in our main comm, so way to go, guys! And on that note, we bring you all to a couple of srs topics.

ACTIVITY CHECK - While most of you have been impressively active over the last few weeks (nearing a month) since opening, we just want to make sure that everything is still progressing as it should be. That said, we are giving everyone a warning about an upcoming activity check:
With the exception of characters that have been added within the last week, if you have NOT either a) posted a thread/narrative/scene, and/or b) commented to one after January 1st, you MUST post or comment to an entry in [info]thedas by JANUARY 13TH, 2010, or risk removal from the game due to inactivity.
Please note that posting to [info]partybanter DOES NOT count as IC activity; but backscenes and narratives, basically any form of writing, count just as much as present day entries. Those who we know are on hiatus are exempt from this check.

We are very lax on posting rules and hope not to have to regulate things, because we fully understand that RL is a priority, but we would like to be able to keep things moving forward. It is important to us that everyone who is in this game wants to be here, and wants to contribute. This is a collaborative effort -- while we may do a lot of things as mods, the two of us alone cannot micromanage or personally motivate all of our players to take initiative on activity. Everything we provide is just a rough outline; we want your input, participation, and feedback/ideas about where to take the overall storyline. Also, we really appreciate the effort that has gone into networking with one another and developing independent side plots. If anyone is having trouble finding something to do with their characters, we are certain that your fellow players will be open to brainstorming, so don't be shy about contacting them. That said, if you are still short on ideas and feel that you cannot make the deadline, please comment to us and we will try to help.

PLOT PROGRESSION - We are finally reaching our goals as outlined in our previous timeline. The dwarves (and their new bodyguards) are assembling on the surface, and shortly thereafter, Alistair and his party of a noble, bard and Crow should be arriving to meet them -- our present date is now set for the THIRD WEEK OF ELUVIESTA. This means that after we get closer to completing this important group thread, we can start to move on in time. We will then be able to jump ahead to the SUMMERDAY FESTIVAL (a notable holiday in Ferelden, as transcribed by [info]utheriel), and by then, the Circle party will have just reached the Warden's Keep in Amaranthine. Simultaneously, Alistair's growing numbers will have gone south, passing Redcliffe, and entering the outskirts of the Brecilian Forest -- just in time to Conscript a couple of elves. In real world time, we hope to get to this point and be ready for the Joining at least by the beginning of February, if not within the next two weeks. Then the real fun begins.

The tl;dr of it: if you haven't been participating regularly in IC activity since before the year started, please do so, or you risk getting kicked; if you need help finding something to do, either ask us or ask another player; and finally, we are getting close to moving on in the next phase of our plot. There will be Grey Wardens! Hooray!
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Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

modly post #6.5

Some updates and friendly reminders if you haven't done these things already:

1) Update your f-button, and welcome new people/characters!
2) Respond to our modly inquiry about Companions and where you'd like them to be in terms of future plot, post-Joining. Any other plot-related requests or inquiries you have for your characters can be directed here; comments on both entries are screened for your spoiler-free privacy.
3) Check out our updated FAQ. We've added a table of contents, clarified some answers (and rules), as well as included a bunch of resources for your icon/IJ needs. If there is anything else you would like us to include here, please don't hesitate to make a request.
4) Due to an overabundance of Humans, we're putting a temporary limit on them -- the main exception being any potential Templars, who are unlikely to be any other race, and are necessary to keep an eye on all these freeloading, trouble-making magi. Not to cramp anyone's creativity, but we would really love to balance out our numbers and introduce more diversity as we expand. If you know anyone who's still interested in joining, please let them know that we are especially looking for Elves and Dwarves, though other non-human characters (such as Qunari) would also be welcome.
5) I haz made some squiggly pretty mapz for u guize. First, here's a visual reference for the rough travel routes that are being taken to reach Amarathine. Secondly, here is a look at the future paths that will be taken by the groups for the post-Joining quests; these are absolute, but that should help in placing your characters in the appropriate area to be picked up by the Wardens if you haven't thought about it already.
6) ???
7) Profit.

In the words of a famous porcine stutterer, that's all, folks.
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Wednesday, December 30th, 2009

modly post #6

The standard reminder: update those friends lists here, since we've got a handful more new kids on the block. And everyone new and old is very much welcome to join us over in our IRC chat, the instructions to which are here. Also, if you haven't already, join the (optional) party banter community for some extra LOLs.

As for something a little less repetitive, for the sake of future plot advancement and organization, we need a little feedback from those of you playing Companions. There are a few people we know will be joining the Wardens either before or once they have arrived at Amaranthine, but we'd like to get confirmation as to where people will be or where you would like us to fit your character in so we can work on organizing travel parties for the first leg of plot. So far, this is what we know already:

List of Companions )

It is assumed that all of the Circle-aligned companions (i.e. Mages and Templars) are in the party traveling to Amaranthine, and any character who is currently traveling with a future Warden recruit will be going with them to the Wardens' Keep. If anything is inaccurate or we have left anyone out, let us know; otherwise, there's no need for you to comment unless you have a question or specific request as far as party placement goes (please note that we can't guarantee these 100%, as we're dividing people up based on skills and what makes sense, but we'll try to accommodate your wishes!). If you are listed in the third category (i.e. Unknown), please let us know whether or not you already have plans for your character's entrance into the Warden's lives. If not, we can definitely arrange an introduction that fits in with the plot.

As a hint of things to come, after the Joining ceremony, the Wardens and what companions they do have already will be split up and sent on quests to the following locations: Redcliffe, Ostagar, and the Brecilian Forest. That would be one party headed northwest and down around Lake Calenhad, another south through Lothering, and a third southeast, passing Denerim.
EDIT: Here's a map of the rough travel routes to make that easier to picture.

If there is a place where we can introduce your character along these routes or at those destinations, please let us know, so we can include them in an encounter to be recruited into the party. Comments to this post are screened so you don't have to worry about spoiling any of your plot ideas.

That's all for now. Thanks guys! :]
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Friday, December 25th, 2009

modly post #5: party banter!!!

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it, and happy holidays, even if you don't!

Upon [info]arandil's suggestion, I've made a little home for all of your IC, but not quite scene/thread related, potential party banter dialogues. Membership is open, so feel free to join if you're so inclined and use it to your heart's content! (PS -- keep refreshing for some entertainment; sadly, the image may not load every time, but often enough that it works. I may eventually add a few more brilliant quotes if I can squeeze them into that header space.)

EDIT: And just to clarify how it works, you can start a new post in there either for each little dialogue snippet you want to make between your characters, or for each pairing. Entries will eventually be tagged by character name to make sorting easier later. Have fun!
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Thursday, December 24th, 2009

modly post #4: plot requests

Though I suspect most of you have been pretty diligent about it, please run your f-buttons to keep them up to date and welcome our new members/characters!

Additionally, while we're still setting up our future plots, we'd love to hear from you guys what you'd like to see come out of this game. Any interesting bits of lore you'd like to explore or personal side quests you want us to incorporate? Don't hesitate to ask us! We're going to try to find a way to integrate as many of these ideas and adventures seamlessly into the long term plans as possible. We've got some ideas sent to us in the main FAQ post, but we've decided to make this one open to just plot related inquiries and requests. All comments to this post will be screened, so you can ask questions or make suggestions without revealing anything of your plans to other players.

Us mods are going to be a bit sparse over the next couple of days due to Christmas, but we'll be back in full force by the weekend. Happy holidays all! :]
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Saturday, December 19th, 2009

A brief reminder/update for everyone: a few more members, so run the f-button to update your list, and get ready for game's start tomorrow.

If anyone needs help with figuring out what to do with their character and help getting involved in the plot or activity, please let us know! We'll try to arrange some kind of interesting prompt or event if you need ideas.
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Thursday, December 17th, 2009

modly post #3

Hello all, and welcome to our new players! Our third round of adds was just completed, so if our previous members haven't already, please run the friends button again to update your lists.

We also wanted to let you guys know of a pretty big update we made to the game today, and forward you to our new locations and history guide to Ferelden/character directory, complete with shiny pictures and (relatively) brief descriptions of significant landmarks and NPCs, as well as a rundown of the information you gave us in your applications. We asked for it for a reason. ;] Please let us know if there are any errors in what we've listed for your characters and we'll correct it ASAP.

And our biggest announcement of all is that, because we now have the majority of our premade roles filled, we intend to officially begin play this weekend, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19TH. What this means is that either the mods or the players involved (for example, the bard or the noble can start their group's thread instead) will start posting up threads for each group of characters, as outlined in the previously established timeline we put up a few days ago. As a recap, Alistair is still on his way to gather recruits, taking the Noble, Crow, and Bard with him to Orzammar. The Commoner and Elf have been out of jail and training at the Warden's Keep in Amaranthine for about a month now, while the Mage and Templar (along with three other mages and two Templar guards) are on their way there, traveling along the North Road. The recently exiled dwarves are just meeting each other on the surface. Meanwhile, the two Dalish elves are still on the run from the Chantry and the mage hunting Templars who are after them. As for those playing companion characters, we are currently leaving it up to you to decide where you'd like them to be. If you would like to have them run into any of the future Wardens, please feel free to do so as long as you discuss it with the other players first.

After our play begins in "present time", you are still welcome to post up backdated narratives, scenes, or threads in the main comm -- just be sure to label it as such! We're really amazed by what everyone's come up with so far and love getting insight into your characters' respective histories. As always, if there's anything that's unclear, just drop us a line and we'll answer any questions you have to the best of our ability. Thank you all for making this game a bigger and better success than we had expected it to be! :]
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Tuesday, December 15th, 2009

modly post #2: thread/scene posting format

Because we've seen this happen a few times already, and it's our fault for not explaining it before, we'd appreciate it if all narratives and threads involving your characters could be posted in the main IC community, [info]thedas, rather than in individual journals, so we have all character activity and story archived in one convenient place. If you need a reference for ratings, look here, or follow the usual film ratings. And to make things even easier on coding, the following is a general header format with the basic elements we'd like to see:

Thanks, guys! And great work, to everyone who's written something so far. We really look forward to reading more.
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officious modly post

Welcome to the game everyone! :D

We're really, really happy to have gotten so many wonderful applications and can't wait to get started. That said, much as we'd like to enact our plot, we're going to wait a couple more days until we have more of the premade roles filled out. But that doesn't mean there isn't anything to do until then!

Because Alistair can't be in 20 places at once (no matter how many fans may wish that were true), we've set up a timeline of events and an order in which the future Wardens were recruited, spaced out with consideration to rough travel time. Though Dagna suggests that the time it takes to go between Orzammar and Kinloch Hold is over two weeks, we've decided to change the scale down with the assumption that she meant by foot; presume that Alistair is on horseback, thus shortening some travel time between destinations.

The first group of events (weeks One through Eight) all occurred before the time at which the game is set to start. You are very much welcome to play out these events, or any backdated scenes that take place before then, by posting a thread or narrative in [info]thedas (our main community) while we wait for a few more characters as a fun exercise in character development. If companion characters can find a way to get themselves into the plot or into a thread at these early points, they can definitely do that, as well! So without further ado, a rough timeline:
Timeline of Events )

Consider this timeline as a rough outline -- your characters' reactions to the situations are entirely up to you, as are the details and the dialogues and whatever else you'd like to throw into a scenario (random battle encounter? awesome!). These are just goals and plot points we'd like to reach. Please get in touch with and coordinate threads with your fellow players if you are meant to have a scene together; that's what those contact posts were for! Additionally, for group scenes that require multiple characters, you may set up a post in this community, [info]weisshaupt, to discuss what you'd like to do (such as posting order, who will start, etc.), or even work it out in comments to this post.

If anything we've written is unclear, please let us know and at least one mod will be able to get back to you ASAP! Thanks again for joining us, we're really, really psyched to have such talented writers involved! :]
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