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Fic! [
8/26/07 - 11:58 am
Not sure how many people haven't read DH yet, but just in case...

Deathly Hallows Spoilers
Do not read ahead if you don't want to be spoiled.

Title: Home
Author: Jay
Rating: PG-11? (for themes of death)
Warnings: Deathly Hallows spoilers, slight angst, character death
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or anything regarding the Fandom.
Summary: Molly Weasley knew the death of her son was hard, but only now can she understand just what impact he had on one other.
Author's Note: The Weasley twins are my second favorite characters. What Rowling did to them was unforgivable, but we deal with what we're given.

I don't know what I am doing now, and I won't try to act like it 'cause I sure don't know how. And I'll admit that I don't know just where I'm going on this long and winding road that's taking me to what will be my home.
-This is Me by The Rocket Summer

( Home )

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