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Jan. 25th, 2011


Jareditude or customs

I'm Jared, and exhausted.  how are you?

Nov. 19th, 2010


Aim: notgraceadler. Customs are good too.

Hi hello, I'm max. Tv bully by day, youth advocate and equal rights supporter by night. Paradoxes are cool eh?

I already wrote about misconceptions, but what's the biggest misconception about you?

Nov. 4th, 2010


AIM: StockmanSyndrome

Greetings, boys and girls. I'm Theo Stockman. If you can tell me what I do without Googling me, I will give you a prize. Bonus points if it's clearly made up.

Or, if you don't care to participate in that fuckery:


Sep. 7th, 2010


 seriously iPhone. stop autocorrecting all my fucks into ducks. you're making all my strong worded texts look harmless and adorable.

                                                                                                                        Hi. I am Jake Gyllenhaal.

Aug. 27th, 2010



I'm Jessica and I have no idea what to say here that you wouldn't read on the cover of OK or Us Weekly! :)

Jul. 31st, 2010


I'm Blake Shelton and like Miranda said, I am her financy. No idea where she came up with that one. But hey, if it keeps her happy, than I'm all for it. Because when that woman ain't happy, trust me, you know it. I became a father on May 19th and when people say having a child changes your priorities in life, they're right. Jacob is our world and we do everythign we can to make sure he's happy and content. And yes, we have bickered over who's turn it is to hold him. Playful bickering of course.

I really don't know what else to say. I could send you to my twitter but 95% of the time I tweet while drunk. Which isn't often anymore because Miranda and I have decided that there will be no drinking around Jacob. So how are all of you today?

Jul. 13th, 2010


No aim but I'll give you a custom if you bring me sour patch kids....

Hey everyone! I'm Dave Haywood and I like sour patch kids, label makers, guitars and helping Charles pick on Hillary. Oh yeah and I am in that one group...What are their names....Lady Antebellum, I think?

Jul. 11th, 2010


No AIM name yet, and one pitiful user picture. I think it's safe to say that I fail at the internet. Who wants to tutor me?

Hi, by the way. I'm Jonathan.

May. 27th, 2010


Guess who's back? I didn't mean to leave you and I won't again. Welcome to the newbies as well :)


Apr. 27th, 2010



Hello everyone! I'm Shiri and I'm sitting at the Rainforest Cafe in NYC eating lunch as I type this. I just love this place!

This is the part where I ask you a question but before I do, I want you to ask me one after I do. It'll be a great way to get to know each other. So my question to you is, what's your favorite place to eat? Now it's your turn!

Apr. 1st, 2010



Wife, mother, friend, singer and proud Southern woman. What else would you like to know?

I look forward to getting to know all of you!


I am SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARTA..... I'm not. I could be a Law Abiding Citizer, or a Bounty Hunter...I know how to Train Dragons and I just might, just might know all about The Ugly Truth....

In all seriousness, my name is Gerard and you can reach me at ButlersBum

Feb. 14th, 2010



Spending Valentine's Day in the Carribean solo. How was everyone's VDAY?

Oh, was spotted with A-Rod while hanging with Tom and Katie, omg we MUST be dating :-p

Dec. 27th, 2009


saint stewie

I hope you've all had time to recover from your holiday hangovers because I want to see some ugly christmas sweaters. Start uploading!

Dec. 7th, 2009


dysalexaic<--use it, abuse it

I'm Alexa. I am a mixed martial arts fighter with a professional record of: 0 wins - 0 ties - and 593 losses (by way of submission). I aspire to be Miranda Richardson. My best friend can cook you anything you want in ten minutes, without using dairy products. I already have the memory of a ninety-nine year old war veteran, but just in case that wasn't bad enough, if I drink even one alcoholic beverage (which I do a lot of course). I'm notorious for retaining less than 2% of information the following day. I like celery as a name, but not as a food. I try to make all of my entrances and exits via smoke bomb. I like people who can catch a fish with their bare hands and then cook it over a fire they started with rocks and leaves. I think that peanut butter and jelly might be the greatest combination in the world. I have two nasty habits: one is addictively chewing ice-cubes and the other is busting out 80's dance moves at random moments. Smoking, drinking and sex are vices, not bad habits, and those I am rather fond of. I'm terrified that one day I might turn up on set without any pants on. There's an ubiquitous pile of laundry in the middle of my bedroom floor. I've seen it grow to be the size of a large man. It's killed someone. We're dating. I've eaten yellow snow and I sleep on a blow up doll named Max. I wrote all this out and will deny doing so in 5-4-3-2-1.........

Oct. 6th, 2009


Who am i?

Thats a question that I feel i don't get asked anymore. I don't have the most unrecognizable face, huh?

I'm Ashton, twitter activist, fantasy football leader ( check it out. I do some acting on the side, when I'm not furiously updating my twitter. I have a production company, but we mainly just make fun videos (

Check it out. Check me out. Send in audition tapes if you want to be in a Katalyst Halloween film...

Oct. 5th, 2009


Hey guys, my name is Ashley Greene. You might be reading this right now and be wondering "who the heck is that chick?" But then you might look at my icon and be like, "Oh I know that chick". OR you may still be completely confused as to who I am and be like "I still don't know who that chick is". Well it just so happens that I play Alice Cullen in the film Saga for Twilight. Yep. The pixie-like one. And believe it or not, I actually have quite a bubbly personality as well. If you ever want to bubble it up sometime you can reach me on AIM at AGreeneApple


Oct. 2nd, 2009



Lend me your ear and I'll sing you a song.
I will try not to sing out of tune...

What's going on, crazy people? The name's Jackson Rathbone but most of my close friends call my Jay and fans have started calling me Jacksper.
I'm sure it'll be a real treat to meet some new faces.
I've been around the same bunch for so long I feel like I'm in that movie Groundhogs Day.


undamaged nikki

Uh oh here comes trouble...


Hi, I'm Jessica... nothing like starting this off like an AA meeting. Not that I've ever been to one and not saying there is anything wrong with that!

Start over?

I like to pretend I'm an actress and singer but my real passion is being a performer durning Carnival in Brazil on my downtime. Yep thats me in the middle

Whats your favorite thing to do on downtime?

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