July 31st, 2014




Activity Check is ongoing!. You can use activity posted before midnight, pacific time (GMT-8) for activity. You can even post up placeholder logs and use those as long as the placeholders are replaced with the logs before August 3rd at 9pm. At that time activity check will close!

New characters who were added too late to pass activity aren't eligible for their 20% memory unless they post three instances of activity, but they can still get a bunch of memories via things such as playlists, AU histories, locations and so forth! But if you can get 3 instances of activity they can still get their normal 20%!


We did this a couple of years ago and it was really awesome, so I'm bringing it back!

August 7th-10th, all communications on the Comm and the Net GO CRAZY! Txt messages go to the wrong people or random people, private locks fail, PMs go to the wrong or multiple or random people.

New Players this month still need to check in! You're not required to post activity but if you get the required three you can get a jumpstart on memories still!