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Jul. 10th, 2011


Who: Charlie and Bill
What: Charlie stops avoiding things.
When: Sunday, soon after Charlie got home from Mexico
Where: Bill's Flat
Warnings: Emo?
Status: Incomplete

Text )


Who: Katie & T
What: Dog tackling, crab racing, it's a zoo in here.
Where: Katie's flat.
When: Sunday afternoon.
Warnings: Probably none.
Status: In progress.

... )


Who: Colin & Zach
What: Conversations
When: Sunday after talking to Justin
Where: Zach's flat
Warnings: All of the warnings ever!
Status: In progress

... )


Who: Colin & Justin
What: Conversations
When: Sunday
Where: The Island
Warnings: SPOILERS...umm...yeah. That's really it.
Status: In progress

Lyrics TBD )


Who: Colin
What: Doing things that will be difficult
When: Sunday
Where: The Island
Status: Complete; log

Wake up in the morning, I shall wake up and so shall you. )

Jul. 8th, 2011


Who: Marek and Melinda
What: breakfast.
When: Friday morning
Where: their flat
Warnings: Bobbins come with their own warnings.
Status: Incomplete

... )


Who: Dennis and Colin
What: Cuddles
When: Friday; the wee hours of the morning
Where: The Island
Warnings: None
Status: Incomplete

Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society )

Jul. 7th, 2011


Who: Marek and Chas
What: dinner, with bananas and chickpeas and potentially some ranting involved.
When: Thursday evening.
Where: Montgomery Manor
Warnings: mentions of past violence?
Status: Incomplete

... )


Who: Alec and Melinda Harper
Where: Melinda's
When: Thursday evening, after this
What: Alec used "seduce". It's super effective?
Warnings: consummation of marriage.

Look me in the eye and tell me you don't find me attractive, look me in the heart and tell me you won't go, look me in the eye and promise no love is like our love, look me in the heart and unbreak broken, it won't happen. )


Who: Bobbinses
Where: their flat
When: Thursday evening, after this
What: Squabbling + 1 depressed twin = actual fisticuffs.
Warnings: violence

Help me believe it's not the real me )

Jul. 6th, 2011


Who: Blondie and Boy Wonder
What: Adventures in drinking.
When: Monday, 4 July, 2001
Where: Leaky Cauldron
Warnings: TBD, likely low
Status: Threaded; Incomplete

... )

Jul. 5th, 2011


Who: Colin & Zach
What: Spending time and being awesome
When: Monday, 4 July, 2001
Where: The Island
Warnings: TBD.

I've got a room at the top of the world, tonight )

Jul. 4th, 2011


Who: Ron/Hermione
What: Talking? Lol, for like two comments.
When: Monday, 4 July, 2001
Where: Their hotel room.
Warnings: NSFW.

... )


Who: Max and Justin!
When: 4th of July
Warnings: Nah. Just excitement!
Status: In Progress

My little town blues, they are melting away, I gonna make a brand new start of it, in old New York )

Jul. 3rd, 2011


Who: Ginny & Harry
What: Flying!
Where: The Harpies pitch, in Holyhead.
When: Sunday afternoon.
Warnings: TBD?
Status: In progress.

... )

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