March 23rd, 2011

[info]inventings in [info]uprisingrpg

[The following section of Lavender's newest book-in-progress (a sequel to Lost Love Found), written in her neat looping handwriting on fresh parchment, are conveniently left out in the apartment for Seamus to find. (Warning: NC17!)]

A steamy excerpt... )

[info]theirishwizard in [info]uprisingrpg

Who: Seamus and Dean
What: Honesty
When: After Dean contacts Seamus about Lavender (Backdated; I believe Sunday)
Where: Former Safehouse of Dean, Su and Kevin
Warnings: Angst. Always Angst. ANGST FOREVER.
Status: Incomplete

Let it be known; you will always have a place in my heart )

[info]theirishwizard in [info]uprisingrpg

Who: Seamus and Lavender
What: Seamus is curious about Hugh and Bryn
When: After Seamus cuts out of work on Wednesday
Where: Seamus' Apartment
Warnings: Mmm...probably. Almost guaranteed to be NSFW
Status: Incomplete

Let it be known; you will always have a place in my heart )
