03 December 2010 @ 02:17 pm
i was bored  
well. this is sam. i don't even know what i'm doing. alls i know is i FELT LIKE DOING IT.

on a whim i got a hankering to adapt/play an old character of mine. very old. as in she was played on greatestjournal old. so, here she is, but adapted for this game. kinda. i'm still working on that. some of you might recognize her (anne + christine.)

some facts/ideas:
1. in her 'dream' she was queen of the faeries of the seelie court. (it sucks we didnt all know each other on gj! that game was medieval and fun.)
2. in 'the dreaming' she was of the seelie court, which is nobility but had no king or queen. she was reborn into a human body because their part of Arcadia was dying (think of it as the nothing from neverending story.), as changelings are, and remembered who she was around age 16, at which point of course she was able to use her fae mien (true form.) but um, the real world doesn't believe in faeries... so she forgot who, and what she really is. she is now older but not much wiser.
3. she came for a firefly convention at the venetian, not a magical magicness one, so she's been awakened again. confusing times ensue.
4. i believe it'd be fun to make some kind of volunteer-like plot in much the same manner of the first thing the game did. i was thinking maybe premades can be involved, but that's the same shit as volunteer. that way existing characters or if people wanna randomly make a new character, they can be in on it.
5. the premade/volunteer-like plot isn't concrete of an idea yet or else obviously we'd all know about it (small group and all!), but i know it isn't going to have focus on one character. all characters involved will be equally as integral (just like in the stuff.)
6. as mentioned i have no idea what i'm thinking.
7. but i know it should involve faery stuff cuz we haven't done that yet. so why not?

while i go on my walk i'll think of things. ADIOS.
03 December 2010 @ 02:08 pm
Oh failbook...how I love you. )
29 November 2010 @ 04:40 pm

I lost Internet during the weekend and will be away for this week while contractors DO stuff to our house. I'll be 'round minimally.

Peace out.

Hope y'all had a nice holiday and sassafrass.


mmmm pie
11 November 2010 @ 05:26 pm
EPISODE 3: "Once more, with feeling."  
Hello, Freddy Mercurie here again!

So, remember how most of us are refugees from other places? Woken up to this new 'real' reality we call the good ol' Venetian? Well guess what, folks! It's throwback time. We're going to have a transformation. And we don't care if it's a real full moon or not here on Earth, 'cause it damn well will be in game. Whoever you "thought" you were in the mirrorlands you will be again during this event.

Due to some technical difficulties with a Ouija board, all participants of this episode will revert back to their fable for the night, or their myth. If you were not a part of one of the games a lot of characters here were, you can choose any fable from before 1910 (like Peter Pan or some shit.) or any mythological figure within reason. (No Jesus, please.)

You will be that fable/myth for the duration of the episode, which will be one night in game and smashed into a group post, of course.

And YES, you can UPLOAD ICONS OF YOUR MYTH OR FABLE as they will LOOK and BE that fable or myth through out the night beginning at dusk and until dawn.

When is this even beginning? Well, it can begin anytime and last until whenever we need it to in that group post. SINCE WE DO WHAT WE WANT HERE.

Any questions ask'em here.
10 November 2010 @ 12:01 pm
Cooking up the next episode. Oh yes.

Peter O'Toole
25 October 2010 @ 11:51 pm
hear ye, hear ye.  
It's Laura with the next installment, ready just in time for Halloween!

Gretchen Baby here is one of the renowned Mr. Glass' creations, and essentially the walking dead. Just in time for zombie plot, although she doesn't eat people. She is a Promethean and in her human life was Miles' assistant for a few years(Isobel, watch out for the spinning wheel knife-throwing trick!).

Everything essential about her can basically be found in a short blurb here.

Prometheans, apparently, the longer time they spend in human company, can become quite unsettling. They destroy everything around them, beginning with people's emotions, and ultimately the very landscape. Not to worry, though, Miles has fitted this living doll with some kind of magic gauntlet shit so that doesn't happen(yet) & so that she can be well disguised as perfectly normal.

What else, idk.
25 October 2010 @ 08:27 pm

25 October 2010 @ 04:24 pm
It has come to my attention that John Mayer is a dumbass loser, and that I cannot PB him anymore. I thought the hair would work, but no, a new man has entered my life today and will be taking over the role of Miles Glass. His name is Jackson Rathbone.

The End.
21 October 2010 @ 10:09 am
So, before we organize/post all the other fun stuff and continue down our path of total mind-blowing greatness, hilarity, and fun, we want you all to know that we appreciate and adore you. You are all unfathomably brilliant writers and we are in a league of extraordinary gentle(wo)men that we are spoiled to death with and so grateful for. If it wasn't for this group of writers we have no idea what we'd do, but it'd probably be something like this. Except sadder.

Bob Dylan
20 October 2010 @ 01:12 am
hello, stranger.  
H'okay, so! I'm currently still jet lagged and surprisingly sober at the moment, so this introduction will most likely be a little strange. I'll try to keep it to the basics.

H'llo there! I'm Cassie, mama to Evan Greer, the Venetian's newest ghoul. She's a nice girl, honestly. Don't mind if she tries to take a bite out of you after mauling your face with kisses with no apparent invitation to do either -- she can't help herself. Her dormitor up and left her, and ever since she's been a tad bit... unstable. Unlike her, I won't bite you for no reason. I'm the friendly type, so shoot me a message and we'll talk. Hopefully we can exchange favorite Buffy quotes. (Yeah, Sam -- I'm lookin' at you).

Plots for the afflicted? Alms? Alms?
17 October 2010 @ 07:43 pm
We're allowing Fae-breeds now.

From Changeling: The Dreaming as it's less complicated. I forgot to mention it until Naea came in just now. I'll be putting stuff together for it (like I was supposed to for werewolves.) but for now, the link up there will give you a good general idea. It's best to keep the breeds in the 'Kith' section and the 'Arts' (their powers.) in "common." so if you end up apping as one all you would need is:

Kith - (breed.)
Art(s) - (which power they have, you can choose two. Please limit it to 'common arts' since trust me, all the shit is hella complicated, but hey, if you wanna go there!)

I'll fix all this stuff / compile it when I'm not, how you say, a lil tipsy!

Freddy Mercury
17 October 2010 @ 07:36 pm
Some kind of intro!  
Oh, hallo! It is I, Faith, again, bringing along Linnaea (aka Naea) who is of the fae, a Changeling, as it were. :) I'm still working on all the technical stuff, but she sincerely wants to meet you all and see her peeps again. :)

She's a sweetheart. Say hi! :)
17 October 2010 @ 11:39 am
The "Morning After" Meme  
The "Morning After" Meme

  • Post with your characters
  • Others will comment, assuming that your characters woke up in the morning in the same bed together (evidence of hanky-panky is allowed, but by no means required)
  • Play out the ensuing awkwardness (or whatever else would come of the situation)
  • Hilarity ensues.



15 October 2010 @ 09:49 am
Hey lovers,

The Halloween event is scheduled to happen next weekend, but we're impatient so we'll probably post it sooner.

Keep checking (here) for more background on what happened. For now, this is the summary -- two idiot goth kids summoned VERRINE and PAIMON. Who are DEMONS. These demons aren't going to be very happy they were summoned. They are going to go to the Venetian and decide it'd be really funny to make the entire place a haunted house. Why? Because demons feed on fear.

So, the Venetian will be locked. No one goes in, no one comes out. Until dawn. But wait, there's MORE.

Every human being in the building is going to be a zombie. They will want to bite you and eat you like any other zombie. You won't get infected like in the movies, but it will probably hurt. Any magically inclined person will not be turned into a zombie, but rather, your fears seem to manifest. Meaning, if you are afraid of kittens, you will be see kittens. The effect will flash on and off.

To participate in this event, EVERYONE WILL HAVE TO HAVE A COSTUME.

David Bowie

Oh, and any questions? Ask them here.
12 October 2010 @ 09:53 pm
I'm Faith and I am bringing Elaine Harrison--ghoul to Pierce Gregory (wherever he's hiding out--lol) and all around lovely lady. So, HI! Play nice (she's kinda hot). ;)

Plotz mebbeh?
05 October 2010 @ 04:01 pm

So, in HONOR OF HALLOWEEN AKA best holiday ever, we were thinking of making a small event. It would of course go on concurrently with the episode happening (unless the vampires find the talisman first.) and would involve... ZOMBIES.

What do you think? Is everyone down and we should work on the details or what?
04 October 2010 @ 07:30 pm
Because all the cool kids do intro posts...  
And I realised that there are some of you here that I am not acquainted with! So I'm taking a break from crocheting the most adorable octopuses ever in order to say hi.

I am a Piper and I play Oliver and Isobel around these there parts, and soon I'll be bringing Simon into the fun as well. I may be nearly 30, but I still spend an inordinate amount of time RPing, as it's the pretendyfuntimes that keep me from screaming my head off at work from stress and frustration. 8D

Feel free to IM me or pester me or whatever. I love chatting, though I can be a wee bit shy to begin with.

04 October 2010 @ 08:07 pm
Jerk list in accordance to who replied to my hello post. There is a chance to redeem yourself! Don't be shy. Say hello? Then magically the jerk infection will be cured.

Sam Jerk
Kim Jerk
Piper almost not a Jerk. She did IM me.
Allie Jerk
Anne SMELLY Jerk
Christine sort of a Jerk but mostly not
Laura Jerk
Marty THE Jerk
Sakki Jerk

P.S This is only in good fun. (still say hello though?)
03 October 2010 @ 11:52 am
If you don't say hello you are a jerk. Don't mess with a pregnant lady.  
Maybe this is silly and you can laugh if you want...but I wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I think I might know some of you from various places but I hardly know most of you except for great reputations and the fantastic things I've been told by Samtastic and Kimderful.

Ellipsis how I love theeee )
01 October 2010 @ 10:58 pm
Ba-da-buh-buh-buh! /McDonald's theme song  
Ladies and gentlemen or just ladies, you know what time it is.

QUOTE TIME!!!!! *sparklesshimmerglitter**awesomehtmlcode!!!!*


Instructions? Look at the following quotes. Mages and Werewolves, you pick one. Vampires, you...sit there and look pretty and do not pick one. We will then reply to you with your ASS-IGNMENT for the Episode. Basically, how it's gonna work is that these quotes mean certain shit. And you will be assigned a specific vampire's ~powers~ after you make a selection. Make sense? No, yes? Let us know either way so we can get drunk and do it over. Now the quotes!

01. It was a thousand to one and a million to two, time to go down in flames and I'm taking you.

02. Has anyone seen her there?

03. It is the opinion of the entire staff that Dexter is criminally insane.

04. I can't drink that fuckin' Starbucks shit. Gives me acid reflux and nausea. Then I have to chew on grass. Grass is a natural acidophilus. Mmm, grass. Live it, love it, let the indigestion go.

05. Anger is as anger does; let it define you and you'll lose who you are beneath it.

06. I feel my pinions fall.

07. Here we have fettered and manacled Time, who would otherwise slay the gods.

08. The most peculiar way.

09. Everyone has a fault or two. I just manage to make my faults sparkle and glitter a bit more than yours.

10. Our friends say it's darkest before the sun rises; we're pretty sure they're all wrong.

11. I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now.

12. Intelligence is not the key, knowing when and where to put that intelligence to use is.

13. Tighten your tie, boy, you're something to die for.

Enjoy! Comments are screened, btw.