03 December 2010 @ 02:08 pm
Oh I love you. )
03 December 2010 @ 02:17 pm
i was bored  
well. this is sam. i don't even know what i'm doing. alls i know is i FELT LIKE DOING IT.

on a whim i got a hankering to adapt/play an old character of mine. very old. as in she was played on greatestjournal old. so, here she is, but adapted for this game. kinda. i'm still working on that. some of you might recognize her (anne + christine.)

some facts/ideas:
1. in her 'dream' she was queen of the faeries of the seelie court. (it sucks we didnt all know each other on gj! that game was medieval and fun.)
2. in 'the dreaming' she was of the seelie court, which is nobility but had no king or queen. she was reborn into a human body because their part of Arcadia was dying (think of it as the nothing from neverending story.), as changelings are, and remembered who she was around age 16, at which point of course she was able to use her fae mien (true form.) but um, the real world doesn't believe in faeries... so she forgot who, and what she really is. she is now older but not much wiser.
3. she came for a firefly convention at the venetian, not a magical magicness one, so she's been awakened again. confusing times ensue.
4. i believe it'd be fun to make some kind of volunteer-like plot in much the same manner of the first thing the game did. i was thinking maybe premades can be involved, but that's the same shit as volunteer. that way existing characters or if people wanna randomly make a new character, they can be in on it.
5. the premade/volunteer-like plot isn't concrete of an idea yet or else obviously we'd all know about it (small group and all!), but i know it isn't going to have focus on one character. all characters involved will be equally as integral (just like in the stuff.)
6. as mentioned i have no idea what i'm thinking.
7. but i know it should involve faery stuff cuz we haven't done that yet. so why not?

while i go on my walk i'll think of things. ADIOS.