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[08 Dec 2009|11:22pm]

WHO: Ginny Weasley, Charlie Weasley, and the kidlets-Logan and Abigail
WHAT: Some much overdue family time
WHERE: Charlie's place
WHEN: December 8, in the evening
WHY: Ginny realised it had been entirely too long since she checked in on her brother, plus he promised her food.
RATING: Low, likely
STATUS: In Progress

Nothing says family like a homecooked meal )
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New Ministry Policy - from the Desk of the Minister [03 Dec 2009|12:52am]


Effective immediately there will be sanctions placed on all Muggle items in the Magical World.  We in the Ministry feel that until such objects are inspected by the Ministry and their exact use is determined we cannot fully deem them safe for the Magical populace.  Therefore the Department of Magical Law Enforcement will be assembling a task force to track down and bring in said items until further notice.  We understand that this seems a bit off putting.  However, we don't want accidents happening and injuries occuring.

Subsequently, there is a ban on new Muggle items being brought in as well until further notice.  There will be an announcement when said ban is lifted.

Once your item has been inspected, if it is deemed safe it will be returned to you.  However should it be deemed inappropriate or a hazard you will be notifed of it's destruction and there were will a reimbursement to cover your loss as determined by Task Force.  If you disagree with the decision you are allowed to appeal within three days of being notified of your items destruction.

You are of course welcome to bring your items in voluntarily for inspection.  We are doing this for the safety of the public in general. Any and all questions are to be owled to the Ministry.  A subsequent mailer of frequently asked questions will be included shortly with your Daily Prophet.  

We thank everyone for their cooperation.
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[20 Nov 2009|09:25pm]

Who: Hestia Jones and Charlie Weasley
When: Friday Night
Where: Charlie's House
What: Hestia comes to visit and finds Charlie in a state

Nothing ever good comes from this. )
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[20 Nov 2009|03:25am]

Delivery for Astroia Greengrass )
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[17 Nov 2009|10:49pm]

Date: 17 November 2006
Who: Draco and Astoria
What: Birthday Celebration
Where: Draco's Penthouse
When: Evening
Rating/Warnings: ??

Happy Birthday, Astoria )
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[18 Nov 2009|11:10am]

Who: Lucius and Narcissa
Where: Their room
What: Evilness... aka discussing the upcoming wedding of Draco and Astoria
When: Night
Rating: TBD
Status: Closed/Incomplete

Evil Wedding Discusions. )
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[17 Nov 2009|03:04pm]

Delivery for Astoria Greengrass )
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