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[25 Nov 2009|12:17pm]

Hi guys just a heads up. Lauren's internet is dead. She should be getting it back on Friday though.
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[23 Nov 2009|11:18pm]

Hi there everyone! My name is Devin and I bring with me the lovely and incomparable Ginny Weasley.

I am 21 years old and a senior in college. I'm studying Music education and as of right now have no idea what is in store for me next year (eeep!) So there is that. Um, I work almost full time, but my hours are kind of random. I open and close and am up late and early and yea. So there is really no "best" time to reach me, but I am very reachable. If I don't respond right away to an IM then there is always email which I check constantly, so that is very reliable. I am always up for plotting or chatting so feel free to get in touch with me. I'm pretty friendly, I promise. My AIM is icanseemynose13 and my email is absolutelyoutofcontrol[at]gmail[dot]com if you need to reach me.

Ginny is currently working at the Daily Prophet as a journalist. Mostly she writes what the Editor tells her to, but she prefers to do the sports stuff. That doesn't always work out so great for her. She's living in a flat on her own in London. It's pretty crappy and she's not thrilled with the being alone part of it after being so used to having so many people around her constantly. However, she's pretending she's fiercely independent and will not admit that to anyone. Also, she will defend her flat's crappyness to anyone who has anything to say about it. So there.

She's generally friendly unless you've already given her a reason to dislike you, and if you have given her a reason (whether it is real or made up in her tiny little head) she will definitely let you know, and argue with you over stupid things.

She will need some friends and enemies and frienimies just to make things fun and interesting! So let me know!

Can't wait to start playing with everyone!!
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[18 Nov 2009|02:18pm]

Hey! Time to introduce myself and my baby.

This is Charlie Weasley, ex-dragon trainer and daredevil extraordinaire. After the war he went back to his beloved Romania, where he met and married the girl of his dreams (also a dragon trainer and daredevil extraordinaire) and together they had two adorable kids Logan who is four and Abby who is two. A few months back, there was an accident on the reserve that ended in Charlie's wife being killed. So, Charlie packed up and moved the kids to England to be closer to his family, where he bit the bullet and got a nice safe desk job with the Ministry.

I am Amber. I'm almost 20, and I work a lot. Luckily my cell phone has email and internet so I can usually play at work, it just takes me longer. I can be reached at NotYouraverage25 on AIM and by email. =D
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[17 Nov 2009|09:04am]

Hello all!  I am Meg, I am your friendly neighborhood mod.   I bring you several characters for your interacting pleasure.

[info]ministerchance is Chance Warrington - the illustrious Minister of Magic.  He is young, single, can't seem to shake the lime light light long enough to have a date.  He is a snarky former Slytherin and enjoys people who are willing to debate with him.  He has very strong principles and is very devoted to his job and the party.  

[info]tarnishedflint is Marcus Flint.  He is the Secretary in the Department of Magical Games and Sports.  Yes he realizes that his current position is lower ranked than that of his wife Pansy.  However, after an illustrious career as a professional Quidditch player that ended with a dramatic injury - he is more than happy let his wife shine.  He is happily married to Pansy Parkinson-Flint.  She and their Daughter Chloe make up his entire world.  Even if there are times he wishes there were just a little more testosterone in the house.

[info]tarnishedemerld  is Miss Millicent Bulstrode.  Millicent works in the Solicitor General's office as the Secretary to the Department.  She has the goal of one day being the Solicitor General.  She is single and seemingly allergic to committment.  She is loyal to her family - hating the fact that people who fought for what they believed in - were punished unfairly by what she sees as an interim governement hell bent on taking vengence on those they didn't like.  She finds it gratifying that the new government the MoM is forming is taking them back to a better time.

You can find me daily on aim at MegWrt or emrldsivrwitch and on Y!M as meggiebaby81.  I am open to all and any plots you may want as well as any game ideas you my have.  Also feel free to send any to the mod email at .

I am SO excited to get to play with you all!
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[17 Nov 2009|08:10pm]

So! Alex here who knows all of you... I think. Well if not I'm Alex (hears crickets), Australian (strange timezone or Antartica/the sun as a friend has called it before) and Roleplay addict (no surprise there :P).

Well I bring in two charies. Lucius Malfoy (no surprise there). He's my usual Luc. He's ambitious, determined, wants to prove to the world he isn't a DE but still make it a better place. He's the Chief of the Wizengamont and will probably secretly pass laws that he thinks that should be passed and not generally what the Wizengamont wants. He does have a soft side though that very few people get to see- mainly Narcissa and Draco but that's about it especially with how their lives were turned upside down due to the war which they are still recovering from. Especailly since a lot of people don't trust them still- they're getting their though.

Secondly I have Blaise Zabini ([info]hastosucceed). He's a Slytherin in the trio's year, was nearly a Ravenclaw. Isn't close to his family- mother or stepfathers some of whom abused him (though never physically/sexually- just emotionally) and as a result he has to succeed at everything he does. He wants to eventually become the MoM but at the moment he is the junior undersecratary to the Minister.

AIM is moonsdreaming YIM is immmortalaussie email is and journals are [info]pansexual/[info]immmortalaussie if you want to chat/plot or whatever :D

I look forward to playing with you guys :D

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[17 Nov 2009|02:59am]

Hi Everyone!

I am Lauren, and I am your technical mod, and Meg's personal bitch.

We are open now, so I thought I would introduce you to my characters.

First is Astoria Greengrass (this journal.)

Astoria is the press secretary for Minister of Magic Warrington. She is a war orphan, after her mother died when she was a child and her father died in the Battle of Hogwarts. She began working for the MoM after she finished Hogwarts as part of the Orphan Placement Program, which she hates. She thinks it was the Ministry's way to brainwash children of Death Eaters. She is fully supportive of Minister of Magic Warrington. On the personal side, she is engaged to Draco Malfoy, and they are getting married in December. She was a Ravenclaw.

And her 25th birthday is tomorrow. Draco better not forget.

My second is Pansy Parkinson-Flint [info]pansydearest. Pansy is a solicitor and member of the Wizengamot. She was elected two years ago, and loves her job. Something about deciding others fates appeals to my girl. She and Marcus Flint have been married for four and a half years and have an almost two and a half year old daughter named Chloe. Pansy is fairly sure Chloe is her punishment for everything she did as a child.

I am always up for plotting, planning and if you need help, or if there are technical issues in game, I am your woman. My AIM is ArUrbEx or FatedPansy.
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