Aug. 24th, 2018



Lions and tigers and

Who: Marie and Nick
Where:> Outside her Apartment > Woods > ???
When: 8-18 Early

Wendigos. Why is it always wendigos? )

Aug. 15th, 2018



Marie Lauritzen (public post)

So I know I haven't been here real long but I think the weirdest creature I've ever encountered has got to be some of the people I've run across in New York. Just today, I watched someone park their car in the middle of traffic, run out to a department store then not come back for about half an hour. When she did hop back in the car, it was with an armful of bags so clearly she figured the traffic ticket was easier to deal with than trying to park.

Then again, maybe she was right.

More and more, I feel like a tiny fish in a big pond. Here's hoping I don't get eaten by the Loch Ness monster.

Anybody want to go tramping up to the woods next week and catch us a Windigo?

Aug. 10th, 2018




17 August, 2018. Friday.

Weather: Rains have stopped, but the heatwave continues.

Events: There's a rumor going around the network that there's a mission involving mermaids, and there's a lot of network gossip and discussion over what other mythical creatures might actually exist. It's become something of a meme for agents to post on the network with the weirdest creature(s) they've ever encountered.



[No Subject]

Who: Cathleen Murphy and OPEN
When: August 16th 11AM
Where: LaGuardia Airport

What they said is true, isn’t it? )

Aug. 2nd, 2018



we get to save mermaids!

Who: Lia, T., Yasmine and Conor
Where: Yokohama, Japan
When: Night

'Look, we got you caffeine!' )

Aug. 1st, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Nick and Anye
When: After midnight
Where: streets of New York

It had been a weird and tiring day on very little sleep, and Anye was sad, though she hid it well. It was the sort of thing she had a lot of practice at. She'd been a deeply sensitive child and hopelessly awkward teenager, and as a means of survival she'd eventually learned to perfect the art of faking it. It was something she'd gotten even better at since joining the Agency, not just because there were more and more emotions on a daily basis she needed to hide from Nick. None of them good.

She'd swung by his place and they'd gone out for tacos, and after eating as slowly as possible Anye had found excuse after excuse to keep them out a little longer. She still felt a little bit like she'd had to pull teeth to get him to see her tonight, which left her with a sadness deep in the pit of her stomach she couldn't shake, but her sadness didn't matter. Keeping him out and away from the den mattered. Keeping him talking mattered. Giving him every possible opportunity to just come clean and let them deal with this mess mattered. Not that her hopes were particularly high on that last one.

Her latest distraction had been an ice cream parlor, which, in all honesty, was more than just a bit out of the way. But she had argued that you basically had to have ice cream on your birthday, and it was good ice cream and open late. She took a deep breath as they stepped out of the ice cream shop and into the warm night air, and looked up at Nick. "So what now?" she asked. She was out of ideas, at least, any ideas that wouldn't be totally out of character for her. If she suggested they go grab a drink at the bar he'd probably think she was dying.

Jul. 31st, 2018




16 August, 2018. Thursday.

Weather: London's storms have faded into a drizzle, but that's the only real change.

Events: At 6 AM, Lia, Conor, Yasmine, and T. are notified via their phones that they have a mission, and are sent mission briefings shortly thereafter.

We have received intelligence that a group of black market traders and poachers will be conducting an invitation-only auction on their mega yacht in three days, about two hundred nautical miles east of the coast of Japan. Potential buyers are arriving tomorrow by boat or helicopter. The man in charge, Aito Kobayashi, is a wealthy gangster who has his hand in a lot of pockets, and frequently hunts paranormal creatures. Several days ago, a ship in his employ captured at least half a dozen merfolk, and he intends to auction them off to the highest bidder.

One of the mermaids captured is of exceptionally high value; she is a pearlescent albino, and in her culture, she is believed to be an avatar of one of her clan's goddesses. Her grandmother, the clan's high chieftan, is threatening that her people will wake Cthulhu if her granddaughter is not returned to her 'soon.' The passing of human time is of little meaning to the merfolk, but after negocations, she has agreed to give us five days.

Your mission: rendezvous at the port of Yokohama, where a ship, crew, and supplies are waiting for you, along with coordinates of Kobayashi's yacht. Infiltrate the ship, rescue any prisoners on board, obtain any records or intel there may be about recent sales and clients, and make your escape. Let us be perfectly clear: the only innocents that will be on board that yacht are the prisoners. The rest are the bottom of the barrel of humanity. You are given free license to kill. It is not only acceptable but encouraged that you eliminate all else on board and blow up the ship, in whichever order feels most natural to you. But above all, the pearlescent albino must be recovered and returned to the sea. All our intel points to her being the main event of the auction, and we believe Kobayashi will be keeping her close by.

Conor and Yasmine, your tickets to Japan await you at the airport. Lia and T., advance to Yokohama and brief the crew. They believe they have been contracted to sabotage a whaling ship, so T., it would be advisable to leave them with that impression when all is done.

Mod note: More missions to come in the days ahead!

Jul. 30th, 2018



[No Subject]

Who: Conor & Cathleen
What: Post-mission twin time
When: August 15th, 3 a.m.
Where: Cathleen's flat
Warnings: Language, probably? IDK

The rest of the team hadn't stopped bitching )

Jul. 28th, 2018



how could this go wrong?

Who: Bekah and Anye
When: Morning
Where: The Agency, heading to their apartment

Anye had been a little surprised with the assignment. A new charge was sort of the last thing she had expected, though she knew full well mentors could be assigned at any time. It had been two, maybe three years since her last charge however, and the kid she'd last mentored had transferred to Tokyo once they'd learned the ropes. Mentoring? Now? Her days were already pretty full. Privately and quietly stalking your best friend tended to cut into your sleep. The night before she'd gotten the assignment she'd been staking out the den until 4 in the morning, working on a plan of how in the hell she was going to get Nick out of this one.

Still, Anye wasn't a complainer, and she had nothing against the process. She had room in her house - which wasn't actually hers when you got right down to it, but whatever - and if she could do some good, she would. She'd met with the kid once already, but not long enough to have any firm opinions on her. Time would tell.

Anye pocketed her keys as the elevator doors opened on the medical wing, and she made her way to Bekah's room. She knocked lightly on the door. "It's Anye," she called through. "Ready for moving day? I've got some stuff for you."

Jul. 26th, 2018



Let's Start a J-Pop Band

Who: The Tokyo Trio (T., Lia, and Tali)
Where: Tali's home
When: Around lunchtime

The overall effect tended to be ridiculous. )
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15 August, 2018. Wednesday.

Weather: It's 84°F with 100% humidity in New York today, cloudy skies and generally unpleasant. London's not fairing much better, at 86°F with constant thunderstorms. It's 85°F and sunny in Tokyo.

Events: It's business as usual within the Agency, having been a more or less quiet couple of days. Well, quiet as things can ever be when your office is constantly battling against the apocalypses. Apocalpi? Bad stuff. All recent missions have gone smoothly for quite some time now, so there hasn't really even been any good gossip around the network for a while. An extreme heatwave is still gripping the USA, and people within the New York office are perhaps a little grumpier than usual. The Agency offers free travel to all agents not assigned to active missions, so the offices themselves are a bit less populated than is typical, with plenty of agents based in New York taking time off to go somewhere a little less... sticky.

A sign-up alert goes through to every active agent's phone alerts in the early morning, seeking volunteers for missions to be assigned in the next few days. They're blind entries, however, so enter at your own risk. Sometimes, when it's fitting, the Agency gives a warning of what's coming so you know what you're signing up. When they opt not to do this, they're called blind missions. Blind missions tend to have a pretty decent pay-off, and it usually just means they're still gathering information of where to drop agents and they can't offer information without compromising the job. Players/characters interested in signing up for a blind mission may comment to this entry. All comments screened.