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The Divide Out of Character Community



May 1st, 2010

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So you guys probably noticed, but I haven't been around much lately thanks to school and papers and junk. Also, since it looks like I'm going to be internetless once I get home for a bit, I'm not really sure when I'll be back.

So. Putting up a full hiatus for Slade from now until May 15th. It may have to be extended depending on when I get internet at home, but I'll pass the message along somehow if it does.

I'll be back as soon as I can!

April 25th, 2010

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Hi guys~

As you've maybe noticed, I've slipped out of weird time zone life and am attempting a normal sleeping routine. This means I'm not really around when everyone else is- which causes a few problems! I'm still around and up for stuff, but I can't do much ooc chat. If you want a thread with me best way to do it is to leave me a comment here~

April 1st, 2010


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I suck hardcore at this keeping-up-to-date-and-participating-in-the-game thing.

Anyone wanna thread with Jean or Ivy?

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Hey guys. I finally got some decent editing software, and made a Divide video. It's not as good as the one Ali made, but still you know. CHECK IT OUT. :3

March 27th, 2010


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So, we got a new router and The Maxx is back. I'll catch up with the goings on in the story, and maybe Maxx can get around to tending to the lawn of the Xavier Institute.

March 19th, 2010

You Can't Always Get What You Want...

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As you may have noticed, we've just about finished off those pesky nanites! The end of this plot signals a slight change in direction for the comm- and as such we'd like to offer you an opportunity to give us insight into what it is you want to get out of the game for each of your characters.

Yes, ladies and gents, this is the post where you get to tell us what you want, entirely without having to think about existing plot.

Basically, as all roleplay is a kind of interactive writing project with multiple authors, it's just not possible for everyone to get their way all the time- but it is entirely within the realms of possibility for everyone to have their moment to shine. In the comments below we invite you to let us know what one crowning achievement you would like to see your character have- an action, a personal development, etc- anything goes. Where possible it would be best not to include other characters- focus on what you would like to see your characters do or be- but we recognise that sometimes a character's life goal can centre around someone else. Just be aware these may be harder to achieve and will require the co-operation of the other player.

By letting us know what it is you want to achieve with your gameplay, we can try and ensure the game is fun for everyone!
(Comments screened so you can gush without embarrassment!)

March 15th, 2010

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In light of recent events, Lorna is going to be contacting all the female heroes she can name off the top of her head and trying to get a support club together. She will encourage anyone whose life is messed up (and who doesn't that apply to?) to come by and share with their fellow female superheroes.

There will be ice cream and probably a movie afterward. I don't know when it would actually happen, but if anyone's interested in threading this, lemme know.

March 14th, 2010


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I hate Murphy, and all his damn laws.

 Just as everything was settling down to give me time, my computer has gone haywire, and is off for repairs. I have to go on hiatus, because my connection will be spotty.

I can play, but I won't be able to check every day!

Hey, guys!

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I'm finally back from my hiatus so if there's anything I need to get back and tag, please let me know, and I will get on it ASAP!

It's good to be back! :3

March 12th, 2010


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So I'm dropping completely from this game.

I don't understand how things are done here, so I'm out.

I did love the premise which is why I came here, but I just can't do it apparently.

This effects Cissie (this journal), and Billy ([info]madebymagic) If you've friended the journals, remove them please.

March 11th, 2010

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I'm moving this weekend!!!!! FINALLY OMFG this house has taken FIVE MONTHS to get into, but the time is upon us, and I Shall Be Thrilled. I know I've been sparse, but that's because I'm at my parents house and that's kind of like my personal Hell so I have spent every night out to keep myself sane, and with moving I'll be without internet, but we're going to get it set up ASAP because Andrew can't live without his WoW (as I'm being reminded) so... I'm going to do my best, but expect me to be super fucking slow. I don't *want* to be away, and after work tomorrow I'll probably come back and hermit/pack a bit/paint my nightstands, but I don't know. I'll stay posted.

(also because i love this game so much I'll probably only hermit here and catch up :>)

March 7th, 2010

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Heyyyy, kiddos, I'm sooo sorry about my MIA-ness as of late. The usual: school, work, relationships, family tend to get in the way. Just letting the mods and everyone know I'm for sure still here if anyone wants/needs Ivy or Jean, I just might be a bit slower responding and such. Also, I need to get caught up on plotness! :x

ily guys! <3

March 4th, 2010


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Hnnng, I hate to do this, particularly since the nanite plot is going down now, but I'm going to have to call a full hiatus from now until March 15th.

I'm going home for Spring Break, which means no internet whatsoever for ten days so I won't be available at all. ):

Sorry, guys.

I'll see you later.

March 3rd, 2010

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Sorry I've been sort of MIA, gang. Hell sort of broke loose. Family in the hospital, (all better now!) and suddenly all this stuff that /had to be done.

 I have returned though. Srsly.

March 1st, 2010

to no one's surprise

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I'm sorry for sitting on the decision for so long, but I think I've missed too much and am too busy with other obligations to stick around, so I'll be dropping Steph.

It was totally awesome playing with all of you and I hope to see you guys around in the future. ♥

February 28th, 2010

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Hello one and all!

I've got myself a blue furry elf with swords looking to start mischief, stop trouble, whoop ass, chew gum and/or all of the above. Any pups feeling the same?

February 21st, 2010

drop :(

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I'm caught up in school and my other game, so I'm going to have to drop. Sorry, guys! It's been really fun and I'll continue to recommend you to players looking for a comic book based game. Thanks for always being welcoming and understanding.

February 20th, 2010

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Hey guys! It's Panther with a new pup (ZOMG!).

This little guy is Franklin Richards. He's 18 going on 45, or something ridiculous like that. He's been through canon up to the point where he shot Norman Osborn with a toy gun, and then went to a days of Future Past like universe.

He likes long walks through the park, baseball, Spider-Man, and blaming things that he's done on Valeria.

I probably won't debut him until after the nanite thing, but I'm open to plotting in the mean time!

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Duh... so forgot to do this. Sorry everyone.

This is Billy Kaplan and he's just arrived. If anyone wants to plot with him, I'm up for it. Resistance too.. even if he's registered he's still going to go and try to track them down.. because he's Billy and he does stupid things sometimes.

Also for Bart, Tim, and Kon muns I do have the Cissie intro post up if you want to tag it. It's sort of being swallowed by the com on my friends list so I didn't want you to miss it if you hadn't seen it. ;_;

February 19th, 2010

You said you needed a Green Lantern....

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... you just didn't say which one. =D

Hi, I'm Carla and I'll be your resident Guy Gardner! He'll be coming in from literally the last issues of the Green Lantern Corps, with all the craziness that entails. Yes, he'll be expecting a Black Lantern invasion, yes, some of you should be dead or will be too young and YES, it's going to be fantastic. I'm in the PST time zone and can easily be reached by PM or email [], so hello, pleasure to meet you while it might not be that pleasurable to meet Guy. =)

I'm dying to get him in the game so if anyone has an idea, I would absolutely adore you. Much thanks.
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