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The Divide Out of Character Community


May 1st, 2010

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So you guys probably noticed, but I haven't been around much lately thanks to school and papers and junk. Also, since it looks like I'm going to be internetless once I get home for a bit, I'm not really sure when I'll be back.

So. Putting up a full hiatus for Slade from now until May 15th. It may have to be extended depending on when I get internet at home, but I'll pass the message along somehow if it does.

I'll be back as soon as I can!

March 4th, 2010


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Hnnng, I hate to do this, particularly since the nanite plot is going down now, but I'm going to have to call a full hiatus from now until March 15th.

I'm going home for Spring Break, which means no internet whatsoever for ten days so I won't be available at all. ):

Sorry, guys.

I'll see you later.

December 29th, 2009

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It has occurred to me that my brain is well and truly fried. I'm about to graduate, and I have finals next week, and an active job search. I'm not going to stop tagging altogether, but I won't be around much. If you want a thread with any of mine, put up the post and shall reply when my brainmeats are in order. I should be back to active duty mid-January.
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