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The Divide Out of Character Community



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February 19th, 2010


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I need some more stuff for Rogue to do. If your character would be at all interested in interacting with the belle, let me know!

February 18th, 2010

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So it seems as though the time has come for me to let go of Domino. I'm not going anywhere or mad at anyone, but she just doesn't seem to fit in anywhere.

it would be awesome if you could unfriend her, because I'm probably going to use the journal again somewhere and don't want to spam up your flists.


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Hey all, I'm Q, and I'm playing The Maxx from the comic book The Maxx.

I'm a crossover junkie and so this RP just sort of screamed out at me. I look forward to playing with you all.

Like I posted in Maxx's journal, I have no idea how to bring him over to this universe, so I welcome any suggestions.

February 16th, 2010


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Yes. the suckers are going down.

February 14th, 2010


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Okay, so I've been MIA for quiiiite a while, and I apologize. Because I've been on hiatus for so long, it doesn't really make sense that Steph's just been mysteriously off the radar for the entire time. I'd like to get back involved but my head's not in it right now and rp for me lately's been a bit of a struggle. I'm gonna go ahead and say she's been taken out for a while now, and she'll be back when/if I figure out how I'm gonna proceed or if I'll have time to. :[

So, brb some more, sorry guys.

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*waves from newbie corner*

Hello everyone, my name is Bunny. I'm bringing in this ray of sunshine, Cissie King-Jones. Otherwise known as Arrowette from the Young Justice days. Don't know who that is? Well don't feel bad. Very few people do it seems. Let's just say that she's just like all the other little blond archers around with one bonus, she's got a gold medal! Also she's NOT the daughter of Oliver Queen, even if lots of people in the fandom things she is.

Right. Anyways. Her app is in her journal, along with a handy HMD post and a post for any plots you might want her for. But you can also contact me through EMAIL [] or on AIM [NittleGrasper083].

As for her intro... I was hoping to snag one of the DC heroes? Maybe Kon, Bart, or Tim? Young Justice reunion for the WIN?

But if not that, anything is really good for me.

Can't wait to get in and play!!

February 11th, 2010


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Hey guys, just dropping a note that I'm going to be a bit slow for the next few weeks. I've entered the interview stage of my grad school apps, which basically involves me spending every Friday-Sunday flying to a different part of the country then working like normal during the week. I'm going to be keeping this schedule up until the second week of March, so while I'll be around for some tagging on the weekdays, I will be vanishing on weekends and a little more busy than ideal during the week itself. Hopefully I'll fall into a pattern with this that works for me so I will be less failtastic with tagging, but this last week has been rather tiring (my first interview school giving me a cold hasn't helped much in that department, either).

Anyway, I'm still up for plotting if people can tolerate slower replies!

February 4th, 2010


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To celebrate Halloween in the game, it's been suggested that we have an optional mini-challenge this week!  The challenge works like so:

Go to
Pick a text message (only one, choose wisely!)
Make a thread with the text as the cut dialogue
Play out the text situation, the events before, or after it

This is completely optional and is just for fun!  Feel free to brainstorm and plot with others, just remember that if your character does anything that could result in arrest, they just might be arrested...use common sense and enjoy!

February 2nd, 2010

ever wonder if it's all for you?

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I had to go into hospital for a heart condition and ended up there for pretty much two weeks. Nothing super serious, just some meds I'm on playing off of each other so harshly that I didn't see it coming and ended up having to drive up to the hospital before passing out about an hour later and getting a damn catheter which hurt like hell and sleeping nearly a whole day away because I was so high and they kept coming in and putting stickies on my boobies to take EKGs and had to use restroom in a bucket in my toilet AND THERE WAS NO PRIVACY AND I WAS WORRIED I WOULD GET KICKED OUT FOR BEING GONE SO LONG BUT YOU ALL ROCK FOR UNDERSTANDING AND HOLY SHIT WE HAVE A KURT AND I AM BACK IN FULL GEAR

So yeah, I have to look through all the old stuffs, tag Bobby and, most importantly


January 31st, 2010

grr arg hiatus

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Being sick has put me WAY BEHIND at work and I have a pile of stuff to catch up on that I am drowning in. I didn't think it would take this long but, alas. So I will probs be MIA for another little bit, SORRY GUYS.

January 30th, 2010

Noob Intro

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Well hello everyone, my name's Maggie. I'm bringing one Kurt Wagner into the fray. He's the more Errol Flynn-loving Muskateer wannabe instead of the very confused priest arc. I'm handwaving him to be returning from Excalibur to America during the RIft. The app's up at his journal if you want, most is copy pasted from *whistles*

So, yes, getting into the swing of things. I'm open to lots for an intro, from him just walking into the X-men mansion, popping open a soda and saying 'what up?,' to even being caught for not complying and needing a rescue. I like my pups too much to do non-con, but he can get roughed up plenty. So, ideas? Volunteers?

Hope to play with you guys, it sounds mighty exciting.

January 29th, 2010

A meme

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The Demon Cat Meme

O1: Go to this site.
02: Make a demon cat face that looks like your character.
03: On the last tab, click the ".png" button to save it, and post!

Looking for plottage.

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Looking to have some scenage of Roguey settling in, getting used to things. I'm game for whatever.

 Jean, Bobby, Kitty? Mystique?

 Bueller, Bueller?

January 22nd, 2010

Super-short hiatus.

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I'm going to be out of town till Sunday, bbs. Just fyi, in case anyone has desperate need for me, I will attend to it when I return home.

Clearly karma has it in for me. I'm back home, guys. False alarm.

January 20th, 2010

out of the corner of my eye~

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So far Mystique is wandering around New York, and she desperately wants to go to the Xavier Institute to see her chitlins. Already talked a bit with Jean-mun, thinking she'd go in under her guise or Foxx's, either or, just to see some heads turn. No, she's not trying to be subtle this time around. She wants to find Anna/Rogue, find Bobby/Iceman, and be a righteous DON'T YOU LOVE ME I DON'T WANT TO DIE ALONE sort of bitch about everything, since we all know she ends up angsting about everything ever even though she brings it on herself most of...okay, ALL of the time...what with stabbing and shooting people and ordering them to die, etc., etc.



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want to make your own?

January 17th, 2010

oh dear.

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Hello my new lovelies! The name's Cynthia and I'm bringing you this bad mamma jamma, Raven Darkholme, but you may know her better as MYSTIQUE! She's here to kill some of her children, sex up Bobby, and I'd like for her to be walking around in a different body, either Jean Grey's or Foxx's, when she first gets out. Confused, of course, she thinks it'd be best to keep in disguise before getting caught with her blue skin and her lovely yellow eyes.

Er...she also will bitchslap you with a rifle. See icons if you do not understand this.

Thaaaat's it~~~

January 18th, 2010

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hsjhgfsjgd OKAY SO I'm still on the antibiotics until mid-week but even brain-melty, there's a... thing... thinger... PLOT THING OR TWO I need to address.

1. Tim has spoken to Slade and gotten a blood sample, learned that Dick has gone rogue, etc. He will be telling Kon, Steph, and Jason this, but probably no-one else un...less he feels like it. SO WE SHOULD LOG WHEN I'M ALIVE, IF YOU WANT, GUYS. One by one or whatevs.

2. Subsequently, Tim has asked his Sugar Danny for a lab that can handle nanotechnology, and given him a basic rundown of the nanite sitch. SO MODS, what all can Tim get from looking at nanites and Slade's blood? Is making some kind of preventative "vaccine" or something cool? Can he work out a way of purging the nanites completely? :O???

3. Splitting the resisitance into cells and picking out apartments. Let's discuss groupings and how well this is going to go down :3?

4. ... ILU ALL.

January 17th, 2010

Obligatory entrance.

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VoilĂ ! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant and vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsaving the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition! The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me "V".

Or, rather, Knifey, a new guy who will be playing V here.

January 13th, 2010

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Hey, guys. Just to let you know, I got an infection in my toe today so I started a courseo f antibiotics, and they usually slam me pretty hard, not to mention that I have to take one every six hours and one hour before food so my sleep pattern is going to go to the scrapheap. I'll try not to make this a HIATUS hiatus thing, but I'll probably be pretty slow and likely to pass out, so forgive me ._.
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