Apr. 26th, 2017



[No Subject]

It's time.

Apr. 19th, 2017



[No Subject]

[Weasley Clan + Harry]

I am so ready for this to be over.

Apr. 11th, 2017




Hey guys!
So AIM hasn't been working for me for the last week. I'be tried a few apps but they're all jerks. Until I can get it working again email me for plot stuff!


Apr. 5th, 2017



RP: Draco and TJ

Who: Draco and TJ
Where: The Phoenix Lounge
When: April 5th, after 7
Summary: Dinner, though they hadn't planned on having it together.
All Draco wanted was a quiet meal )



RP: Charlie & Ron

Who: Charlie, Ron
Where: The Burrow
When: 5 April, 2017, tea time
Summary: Ron visits his brother

Read more... )

Apr. 3rd, 2017



instawrite to Harry

Another false labor trigger. Don't come home. I am fine.

Apr. 2nd, 2017



Instawrite to Weasleys, Harry and Hermione

I was injured and I got fired. I'm at the Burrow.

Apr. 1st, 2017



RP: Harry & Ron

Who: Ron & Harry
Where: Hogshead Inn
When: 1 April, 2004
Summary: Harry & Ron have a drink.

Read more... )



Instawrite to Pansy and Tracey

I've just been informed that I will be spending the day with Muggles at their upcoming marbles tournament. It seems we need to revamp Gobstones sets to more closely imitate the muggle sport.

This means I will need a Muggle wardrobe and while I know you ladies aren't keen on Muggle clothing I do trust you won't let me go awry even with their lack of style.

Mar. 31st, 2017



Instawrite to Ron

Mate, do you fancy going and getting a pint sometime soon?

Mar. 30th, 2017



RP Tomas and TJ

Who: Tomas and TJ
Where: The Three Broomsticks
When: 30 March, late evening
Summary: Tomas decides he's earned a drink

Some days you just can't leave without a beer )



Witch Weekly: 3/30 Edition

Who: Witch Weekly, (Comments enabled)
Where: Delivered to anyone with a Witch Weekly Instawrite Subscription
When: 30 March, 2004
Summary: News closer to home

Too much bad news leaves wrinkles )

Mar. 29th, 2017



Owl to Theo Nott

Granger was shockingly helpful. She's agreed to meet with you and hear your proposal. She says if she believes we're not in it for personal power (or at least if she believes you aren't. Pretty sure nothing will convince her I have good intentions) then she'll help. She can work with the liberals, but we'll need Pansy to butter up the Old Guard.

Oh, and we better not ever tell Granger Pansy is helping. It would be Armageddon.




RP: Hermione, Harry

Who: Hermione, Harry
Where: the Ministry
When: 29 March, 2004
Summary: Hermione gets Harry's input.

What do you think? )



RP: Draco and Hermione

Who: Draco and Hermione
Where: the ministry
When: March 29, 2004
Summary: Draco brings up his new project

Is that you, Malfoy? )

Mar. 28th, 2017



The Quibbler

Who: The Quibbler, (Comments enabled)
Where: Delivered to anyone with Quibbler Subscription
When: 28 March, 2019
Summary: News Not of the Norm

Do Doxies Cause Xenophobia? What Does Your Star Sign Say About Your Dental Health? DIY Ti Leaf Capes )



Rp: Luna and Will

Who: Luna and Will
When: Tuesday around noon
Where: The Lovegood residence
What: Will has a special delivery
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Luna was getting a bit of a reputation in the creature rehabilitation world )



RP: Tracey & Pansy

Who: Tracey & Pansy
Where: Nott Manor
When: March 28, afternoon
Summary: Afternoon tea

Read more... )



RP: Theo, Pansy and Draco

Who: : Theo, Pansy and Draco
Where: Nott Manor
When: March 28, 2004
Summary: Theo and Draco come back from looking at houses

One Less Thing To Worry About )



[No Subject]

Who: Harry & Ginny
Where: Their house
When: Tuesday afternoon/evening
Summary: Nursery painting etc

Er, Gin what's this and why do we have one? )