Posts Tagged: 'c:+theo'

Mar. 29th, 2017



Owl to Theo Nott

Granger was shockingly helpful. She's agreed to meet with you and hear your proposal. She says if she believes we're not in it for personal power (or at least if she believes you aren't. Pretty sure nothing will convince her I have good intentions) then she'll help. She can work with the liberals, but we'll need Pansy to butter up the Old Guard.

Oh, and we better not ever tell Granger Pansy is helping. It would be Armageddon.


Mar. 28th, 2017



RP: Theo, Pansy and Draco

Who: : Theo, Pansy and Draco
Where: Nott Manor
When: March 28, 2004
Summary: Theo and Draco come back from looking at houses

One Less Thing To Worry About )

Mar. 27th, 2017



RP: Theo and Draco

Who: Theo and Draco
Where: Malfoy Manor
When: March 27, 2004
Summary: Theo goes to see Draco abou his new idea

I have an idea )



RP: Theo and Pansy

Who: Theo and Pansy
Where: Nott Manor
When: March 27, 2004
Summary: They talk about this new arrest

Can you believe what's happening )