Friday, February 17th, 2012

Hello dears~

Hello there. My name is Jess~ And I am happy to be your lovely and ever so kind Bella~ I only hope to do her justice and get rid of all the mudbloods and filthy blood traitors. Oh. You know who you are.

Despite Bella's less than friendly attitude towards some of you, I am quite nice, I'd like to think. I promise I won't bite or curse you. I'm around quite a lot right now. So I'm fairly easy to get a hold of if you need me. Always feel free to drop me a message or anything. If I don't get to it right away, I will as soon as I am able. I'd love to hear what plots would love to run with Bella. And Bella would simply love to play with a few of you~Find out about my Bells here

I've mostly rped anime and such in the past. A little Bleach a little Final Fantasy and everything in between. Right now I'm rping in that terrifying fandom of Hetalia just trying to get by and keep my sanity. And of course the cosplaying~

I hope to have fun with all you lovely peeps soon~ Bella wants to play, and so do I!

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