The Literatzzi

Where fanfic dare not tread

January 15th, 2009

11:f: I feel like everything I say... @ 10:36 pm

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More Maddy. This stuff comes to me really fast when I sit down to write it. I still don't know where I want it to go precisely, but I like to sit down and write what comes so far. At this point it is all sequential. [I'm also forcing myself to write a new original bit every time I write some fanfic...]

11f )

September 16th, 2008

1b: menace @ 12:54 am

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This little snippet came to me, and I had to write it. It's probably too vague, but I was trying to avoid giving up too much about my protagonist. I've been working on my description, as Jen and Katey know, so this was an attempt to work on that. This little piece is completely stand alone and silly.

1b: menace )

The Literatzzi

Where fanfic dare not tread