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[04 Sep 2010|11:13pm]

WHO: Juliet and Ariadne
WHAT: another first therapy session!
WHERE: Juliet's office
WHEN: uh, let's put this one a few days ago. Wednesday? When I was supposed to have posted it.

If she could get through a session without Ariadne cracking her head open, Juliet would consider that on its own a success )
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[04 Sep 2010|10:50pm]

WHO: Juliet and Dean Winchester
WHERE: Juliet's office
WHAT: first therapy session since he changed doctors
WHEN: let's go with today

Dean should be a cross between Anna and Muninn. Easy. )
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[23 Aug 2010|10:09pm]

who: Balthazar and open!
what: Balthazar sort-of naps. He does that a lot.
where: Library
when: Monday afternoon
rating: Lowish, probably! Depending on who drops by~

For now he would simply bask in the beauty that was August. )
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[22 Aug 2010|09:30pm]

who: Ariadne and Arthur
what: Ariadne is paranoid about Mal
where: Courtyard
when: Sunday evening
rating: Probably low

Ariadne knew she was here. )
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[19 Aug 2010|08:24pm]

Who? Dean Michael and Sam [with bonus lurky!Ruby?]
What? Meeting. Questions, answers, etc?
Where? Library
When? After this note exchange.
Rating? Nothing horrible, probably.

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[17 Aug 2010|03:24pm]

Who? Dean Michael and Jo
What? Curiosity and conflict.
Where? Jo's room
When? After his conversation with Faith
Rating? Probably not too terribly high?

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[17 Aug 2010|02:14pm]

Who? Dean Michael and Faith
What? Chance encounter and conversation.
When? Shortly after Dean/Michael was released from solitary.
Where? Rec-Room
Rating? A low-moderate, for swearing?
Status: Complete

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[12 Aug 2010|01:15pm]

Who? Dean Winchester and a certain voice in his head Archangel
What? Solitary Confinement: bad for Winchesters, great for the Heavenly Host! (Also known as Dean is more crazy than we thought, holy crap why is he calling himself Michael now?)
Where? Solitary cell/room
When? About 24 hours after this goes down.
Rating? Mild
Status: Complete / Narrative

Read more... )
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[11 Aug 2010|07:59pm]

Who? Dean and Ruby
What? Confrontation.
Where? A rarely-used hallway.
When? After this note exchange.
Rating? Moderate/high: attempted murrrrder!
Status: Complete

Read more... )
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[11 Aug 2010|06:28pm]

who: Ariadne and Arthur
what: Ariadne and Arthur reunite.
where: C104
when: Wednesday afternoon
rating: Probably low

Maybe he wasn't real. She didn't know if she cared anymore. )
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[09 Aug 2010|03:29am]

who: J.D./Veronica & Open to Anyone
where: The courtyard
when: Monday August 9th, 2010
what: The Handmaids Tale, Veronica's Diary, a cigarette, and boredom.
rating: Probably low, save for some language.
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[02 Aug 2010|05:23pm]

who: Ruby & J.D. (Veronica)
where: Common Room
when: Monday August 02, early evening.
what: making a connection.
rating: Probably low, save for some language.

He hated this; the not knowing, the uncertainty of it all, but mostly he hated the boredom. )
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[02 Aug 2010|05:15pm]

who: Jacob and Dr. Burke
where: Her office, B221
when: This morning at 10
what: First meeting/session
rating: Probably low

... )
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[30 Jul 2010|12:00am]

who: Jacob and OPEN
where: The common room
when: Thursday afternoon
what: Reading, observing people... same thing
rating: Low

you can't fight fate )
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[27 Jul 2010|03:08pm]

Who? Dean and Ruby
What? "Just talking". Which probably means that is not the case. Probably a side-order of Dean freaking the hell out.
Where? Ruby's room.
When? About an hour after this conversation on the board.
Rating? Unsure, probably not too high.

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[26 Jul 2010|01:37am]

WHO: Freddie and OTA
WHAT: Why is he here?
WHERE: Common Room
WHEN: Mid Afternoon
STATUS: In Progress

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[24 Jul 2010|10:35pm]

who: Edward and OPEN
where: Her office
when: Saturday afternoon
what: Lonely Little Tech Needs Friends
rating: PG tops

The net is making more sense than usual )
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[25 Jul 2010|12:21am]

who: John Smith and OPEN
where: library
when: Saturday afternoon
what: The Doctor needs distraction
rating: G I imagine

There wasn't nearly enough running )
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[21 Jul 2010|09:03pm]

who: Valerie and Balthazar
what: Valerie's been having a bad week. It's about to get exponentially worse.
where: C206
when: Wednesday night, about an hour before lockdown.
rating: TBD, but expect a very, very displeased Balthazar.

I'm not unfaithful, but I'll stray. )
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[21 Jul 2010|04:00pm]

Who: Mattie Wormwood and OPEN! (Maybe to Spike?)
When/Where: The courtyard, after Angel's note back to her on Wednesday afternoon.
Rating: Probably mild, she's fifteen.

It wasn't fair, she didn't care what Angel said. )
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