May. 13th, 2011


Mod Post - Modly Absence

I'm away in Paris until Tuesday so the next challenge will be posted sometime Weds. Have a good weekend all!

Mar. 25th, 2009



Prizes for participants in the 200th challenge are below. All participants can take any of the icons and banners, except of course for the ones with [info]nimrod_9's name on them. *g* Credit is nice, but not required. Please do credit [info]potterpuffs for the artwork though if you take those ones.

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End of Challenge 200

And the 200th challenge is at an end!! Huge thank you to everyone who has participated, be that in the form of drabbles or simply commenting.

Give me a couple of minutes to double check the stats and I'll edit this post to let you know who's won! *g*

ETA: And we have a clear winner: [info]nimrod_9 with 6 drabbles at the IJ community. Well done!

I should be able to post your personalised banner and icons/banners for all the participants later tonight.

And since this is all about celebrating, if anyone missed the deadline but fancies posting their drabbles, go ahead!

Mar. 19th, 2009


200th Challenge - Addendum

Because of course there would be something I forget to mention - drawbles! We accept drawbles. If you wish to draw for this challenge instead of write, or write and draw, that is absolutley fine.

Mar. 15th, 2009


200th Challenge

Next Tuesday will be our 200th Challenge!!!

For this very special occasion, and for this occasion only, "drabbles" will be extended to mean 200 words.

I won't reveal the theme of the challenge till next week, but prizes will be handed out to participants and to whoever writes the most drabbles.* I'll kick things off at around midnight on Tuesday (UK time) and the challenge will end at midnight of the Tuesday after that (UK time).

More detailed instructions will be posted on Tuesday.

*This time around prizes will include icons/banners/other graphics created by yours truly, and any kindly person who wishes to volunteer their services here. *g*

May. 27th, 2008


Challenge 158: Shakespeare and an Announcement of Sorts

This week's challenge is Shakespeare. Reading it, going to watch a play, acting it, all fair game.


You may have noticed there's an election going on on LJ. If you want to vote do. If you don't, don't. I'm the mod of the community, not of you.

Jun. 6th, 2007


Mod Announcement

This is purely a backup space for our livejournal community. Please continue to post drabbles here for the time being. Thank you.