December 16th, 2007

[info]snarryhols in [info]snarry_holidays

Harry Potter and the Department of Mysteries, for [info]leianora

Title: Harry Potter and the Department of Mysteries
Author: [info]sjc_swank
Giftee: [info]leianora
Word Count: 30,500
Rating: PG
Pairing: Remus/Sirius implied; Snarry Gen
Warnings: Some possible spoilers for DH. Some Violence. Implied Slash.
Disclaimer: The boys are not mine, they belong to JkR. I make no money off of this and I promise to return them relatively unharmed when I'm done playing.
Summary: After being expelled from Hogwarts, Harry has to learn to work with Snape on a one on one basis. While Harry is fighting with his Potions Master, connecting with is Godfather, and missing his friends, a new force has moved into the school and is denying the students the education that they so need and Voldemort is poking around in Harry's brain. Could Snape be the one person who can teach Harry to control his magic, his temper, and his fate?
Prompt: What would have happened if Albus hadn't been able to keep the Wizengamot from expelling Harry from Hogwarts?
Note: Text between two * is taken directly out of Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix. I hope you enjoy, Leianora! Have a very Snarry Holiday! ^_^

( Harry Potter and the Department of Mysteries )

[info]snarryhols in [info]snarry_holidays

No Place at All, for [info]snakeling

Title: No Place at All
Author: [info]ac1d6urn and [info]sinick
Giftee: [info]snakeling
Word Count: 28500
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Severus/Harry, Harry/Ginny (past)
Warnings: DH spoilers
Disclaimer: JKR owns. No copyright infringement is intended, no money is being made.
Notes: Thank you for the terrific prompt, Snakeling! As you can see, your bunny bit hard.
Summary: “No matter where you go, there you are.” – Buckaroo Banzai

( No Place at All )

January 2010



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