December 17th, 2007

[info]snarryhols in [info]snarry_holidays

If You Would Be My Master, for [info]unbroken_halo

Title: If You Would Be My Master
Author: [info]rushlight
Giftee: [info]unbroken_halo
Word Count: 4312
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Harry/Snape
Warnings: D/s
Disclaimer: This is a piece of non-profit fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Sometimes it's difficult being The Boy Who Lived, and Harry has to find unorthodox ways to cope.
Author's Note: This was originally written for angelsotherlove's prompt: "I have this strong desire to see Harry in lingerie, and light bondage. So long as it contains those two things I will be a happy woman." But since she unfortunately had to drop out of the fest, the story has been reassigned to one of the pinch hitters who've been working so hard to make this community a success. Happy Holidays!

If You Would Be My Master )
Tags: ,

[info]snarryhols in [info]snarry_holidays

Feel, for All the Fest Participants

Title: Feel
Author: [info]joygoddess
Giftee: All Participants
Word Count: approx. 9,000
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Harry/Severus
Warning(s): chan and au
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, J.K Rowling does. I just like to play with them.
Summary: Harry wants to feel alive and Severus might just be the man to make that happen

Feel )

[info]snarryhols in [info]snarry_holidays

Hogwarts takes care of its own, for [info]maraudersaffair

Title: Hogwarts takes care of its own
Author: [info]leela_cat
Giftee: [info]maraudersaffair
Word Count: ~9,075
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Warnings: A little angst, a little UST, DH spoilers, a little AU (if you consider the DH epilogue canon)
Disclaimer: Don't own them. Don't make any money from them. I just let them have a bit more fun than JKR ever did.
Summary: The Battle of Hogwarts is over, but Harry still feels responsible for its victims. Including Severus Snape, who lies in a healer-induced stasis until someone discovers a cure for the curse that entered his bloodstream with Nagini's venom.
A/N: Couldn't have done this without my amazing betas, who were willing to read and comment on very short notice.

Hogwarts )

January 2010



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