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The World of Severus Snape

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TBT! Severus and a Muggle Education?

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Today we're looking back to July of 2008 when [info]snapedom was posting solely on IJ. We'll have the opportunity to read or reread what people were thinking about Severus, his parents, and the Evans family. There's even a bit of talk about social classes, religion and ethnicity, but it all leads back to this question: Did Severus attend Muggle school?

After reading, you'll no doubt have thoughts about what was written (Tobias and the books!). You're welcome to renew or continue the discussion here, and I hope you enjoy today's memory from [info]snapedom's Pensieve as much as I did. :)

*Posting early -for my timezone- to give more continents a chance to enjoy TBT on Thursday.
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