Snape After Deathly Hallows Fest

November 2nd, 2007

03:45 am - [info]osmalic - (fic) "Points Where All Shadows Meet"

title: Points Where All Shadows Meet
author: [info]osmalic
type: fiction
length: 1820 words.
pairings/characters: gen, but with hints of pairings: Severus/Lily, Petunia, Harry/Ginny, cameo!Teddy Lupin
rating: PG, gen
notes: For the prompts "Petunia Evans" and "train station". I'm barely squeezing through the deadline so this is unbeta'ed. I claimed this for fic+art, but I abandoned the art when I realized I can't get Petunia's expressions right. I'll probably squeeze them in if I manage to correct them.

summary: At this point (and that point), Severus Snape thinks he can leave it all behind. )

01:42 pm - [info]sigune - Art: Knave of Spades

Title: Knave of Spades
Author: [info]sigune
Prompt: Gryffindor’s sword
Link: Knave of Spades
Type: Art
Media: Staedtler pens, grey wash, and Tombow marker.
Pairings: none – gen
Warnings: none
Series: no
Rating: G
Summary: Knave of Spades – A spy, overlooking, authority; that which is unforeseen, vigilance, support.
Notes: I apologise for the delay… Due to circumstances I couldn’t finish the picture until – well, this morning, really.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

01:54 pm - [info]bohemianspirit - FIC: Not Yet FUBAR

Title: Not Yet FUBAR
Author: [info]bohemianspirit
Type: Fiction (Gen, Humor, and a bit of Love)
Length: Short Story
Characters: Severus, Goddess, and an Angel
Rating: PG-13, for language

Summary: After giving Severus a chance to get settled into his heavenly home, Goddess confers with him about the work She would like him to do in the afterlife.

Warnings: Unconventional and mildly irreverent handling of religious concepts may possibly offend some people. The Deity treating Severus Snape with respect and love may possibly offend others.

Note: Thanks to the moderators of [info]snape_after_dh for extending the deadline for posting, I offer you the following bonus story, not originally planned... unless, perhaps, it was Ordained On High... ;-)

Not Yet FUBAR )
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