Snape After Deathly Hallows Fest

October 30th, 2007

08:02 pm - [info]tjwritter - Fic: The Sins of Our Fathers

Author: </a></strong></a>[info]tjwritter
Type: Fiction
Length: 8,000 words total but split to two seperate posts
Pairings: Severus/James
Prompt: Snape’s Summer Vacation
Warnings: Perhaps slightly AU, or more specifically--the bending of flimsy canon to my will. Also, I have a feeling that this prompt was supposed to be funny—Snape sailing, or mountain climbing, or you know, working as a fry cook—but I just couldn’t do it.
Series: No
Rating: NC-17
Summary: James Potter wants to be a good man but thinks spending a whole summer alone with his arch-enemy is more than he can take.
Notes: Thank you so much dulcamatrix for the Snapey bits and </a></strong></a>[info]apythia for all the other bits!!
Link to LJ for part one

Link to LJ for part two
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