Snape After Deathly Hallows Fest

October 23rd, 2007

01:39 am - [info]calanor - Fic:: A Fire Inside 1/1, complete

Title:: A Fire Inside
Author:: Calanor/Seulwolfe
Type:: Fiction
Length:: 5963 words
Pairings:: Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Severus/Harry, Ginny/Blaise/Lavender
Warnings::  a Wee bit of angst...  and humor...
Rating:: PG
Summary:: Nineteen years later, betrayed by Ginny, Harry lies dying alone until a ghost from the past returns....
Notes:: thanks to Morganlefay1958 for the beta and listen to me whine,  Suemonroe for telling me I had a good start and what it needed.  And lilyseyes.. I borrowed her Kilts and didn't tell her... Written for the Snape_after_dh:: Prompt:: Vampire
A Fire Inside


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07:25 pm - [info]marauderswolf - Fic: To Teach Is . . .

Title: To Teach Is . . .
Author: MaraudersWolf
Type: Fiction
Length: Approximately 6,700 words. Currently a one-shot, but has the potential to be a chaptered fic . . . if the author can be convinced to leave the safety of her dark cave and gather up the rampaging plot bunnies more often.
Pairings: none
Warnings: Ummm . . . anyone who’s had a teaching position might sympathise with the Potions Master. Otherwise, it’s really quite tame.
Rating: PG – some may consider it G, but I tend to rate higher than needed.
Summary: Severus begins his career as the Potions Master of Hogwarts. What will this new endeavor bring forth? Excitement? Danger? A love for students? Or just a new source of sarcasm?
Notes: Written for the “Snape After DH fest” with the prompt of Snape’s first days of teaching. Thanks to MaraudersAffair for the beta assistance. Thanks for the constant confidence boosts should also go to her, Auberus and many others! Without them, I wouldn't be posting!
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