Snack Attack - January 25th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Snack Attack

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January 25th, 2008

Black Bird Crying in the Dead of Night (SS/SB) NC-17 [Jan. 25th, 2008|01:13 am]


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[Current Location |Sofa surfing]
[mood |giddy]

Black Bird Crying in the Dead of Night

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: SS/SB
Summary: In the darkest hours of the night, in the deepest corners of his soul, there rests dreams that died aborning. On the edge of death, he finds what he was always searching for.
Challenge: none
Word Count: 2501
Genre: PWP, Romance, Supernatural
Highlight for Warnings: *Fisting, Dirty Talk*
A/N: Spoilers for “Deathly Hallows”

Link at my eye-jay: Heaven is in your arms and in your eyes...those deep, black eyes.
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Need help wit lj cuts [Jan. 25th, 2008|04:53 pm]

I know this is an off topic post, but I don't know who to ask. The fact section of IJ, I really didn't understand it. I'm new to any kind of journaling. I know how to do a simple lj cut, but can someone tell me how to do the cut that links to your own journal. I'd appreciate any help. Thanks. If this is too out of line just go head and delete it.

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