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[28 Nov 2018|06:45am]
can i get something for chris cerulli from motionless in white?
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happy birthday sharon!!! [28 Nov 2018|09:05am]
something fun and exciting for sharon needles
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[28 Nov 2018|06:32pm]
[info]smoldr clients, gym buddies, exes, rommmates, anything?
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[28 Nov 2018|07:29pm]
[info]where his best friend that moved from Montana with him, comes with details. Would love a Jack Barakat, Rian Dawson or Vic Fuentes but not terribly picky on the faces.
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[28 Nov 2018|08:20pm]
just held this guy @ [info]smoldr - business type nearing 40 with some kinky control issues. up for any line ideas!
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[28 Nov 2018|10:26pm]
Looking for a top/daddy/alpha type for something cute and smutty, holiday themed. Long term. Journals or discord.
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[ viewing | November 28th, 2018 ]
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