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[22 Nov 2018|05:58pm]
super random, but a bojack horseman inspired dude for either my diane or todd inspired dude? discord or customs/journals!
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[22 Nov 2018|06:55pm]
thinking of joining [info]noladynamics, would totally dig an omega for this alpha. they don't have to be mated rightaway and i'd love to thread the build up (though would prefer them already knowing each other rather than threading out first meetings). i'm also open to an a/o psl, though.

pbs don't matter to me so long as they're 35+; there's no upper limit to that, either. feelsy stuff is just as important as smut to me as well, but i figure i could do some one-off threads! journals only, sorry.
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[22 Nov 2018|09:20pm]
A younger guy to help my older father of 2 feel sexy again and teach him to be a little kinky? Could be that he is divorced or could be that he starts having an affair. Thinking Steve Carrell, Jimmy Kimmel, Jordan Peele, James Corden, Jason Sudeikis, or Will Forte for pb.
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[22 Nov 2018|11:47pm]
i'm looking for a john murphy, pretty please.
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[ viewing | November 22nd, 2018 ]
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