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[11 Oct 2018|12:15am]
would someone be up for something slash set in the coven verse of ahs with the warlocks? could be pre- or post-apocalypse, canon or oc. hoping to brainstorm.
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[11 Oct 2018|12:30am]
My guy's date with his boyfriend got canceled so he stays home. Either his brother or his uncle talks him into getting in bed with them and riding their dick for the night. Open to faces and using discord, wire, or journals.
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[11 Oct 2018|01:27am]
Something splashy for comic-verse Gambit? Honestly I’m fine mixing him up in the movie universes too just to see how he exists in that world. A Wolverine/Logan would be awesome but I’m not picky. Just so long as we’re not treating Wolverine Origins as his canon.
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[11 Oct 2018|06:51am]
[info]rented an older male, to play the top/dom, for a BDSM heavy line to help piece this man back together
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[11 Oct 2018|08:45am]
someone who enjoys commenting, short scenes, interests/a potential couple comm, and who's not picky about pbs for a psl or to bring to a comm!
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[11 Oct 2018|03:30pm]
any chance someone would play ryan gosling against michael pitt?
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[11 Oct 2018|05:17pm]
A guy to help keep this guy in check? He's from a rich family who really doesn't give a shit about him as long as he doesn't soil the family name, he parties too much, had a bit of a drug problem, anger issues (which cause him to get slightly abusive at times), and feels like there is no one there for him except for your guy.
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[11 Oct 2018|05:19pm]
Something slash for this alpha? Perhaps a young inexperienced hunter, the son of a hunter just coming to age, or even the alpha of a rival pack? Pretty open.
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[11 Oct 2018|10:29pm]
Would anyone be interested in writing a childhood friends sort of line where the characters discover they are mages and grow into their power together, and later start a coven of like-minded mages, set in the modern world? I would rather build our own world rather than go the schools of magic route like DnD. I am looking for a male character to write opposite my male character. It can be slash or gen.
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[ viewing | October 11th, 2018 ]
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