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[28 Sep 2018|07:19am]
looking for a long-term line with davey havok, someone that will go past commenting and brainstorming and wants to write, please?
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[28 Sep 2018|02:16pm]
This is probably a huge stretch but it's always worth a shot.

Lately I have found myself listening to the Emo Era bands/songs (2007-2010) and with the hype of several releasing new albums (Atreyu) and others coming out of long Hiatus (Bleeding Through) I am having serious nostalgia and miss the good old days of LJ rping with Bandom and Warped rp and the likes.

I even have been browsing through my old AIM logs.

Does anyone play any of those faces from the good old days?

I would love love some old familiar faces. Especially so if the two characters have known each other through the same band, tour, or collaboration (I've had Good Charlotte - The River on repeat).

Or any googling of bands that were BFF's.

Anyone remember the LJ fic comm oc_ca_slash?
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[28 Sep 2018|03:30pm]
60+ tops for younger guys? Open on pbs.
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[28 Sep 2018|08:38pm]
bored. smutty customs for him?
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[28 Sep 2018|09:02pm]
Vampire/human pet? I would like to play the human
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[ viewing | September 28th, 2018 ]
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