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[27 Sep 2018|10:10am]
looking for an alpha for a slash line with my omega. (sorry this is short, i would prefer to discuss the details in a custom.)
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a slash gpsl in the making [27 Sep 2018|06:20pm]
Your character was rejected from other "popular" games for something that the mods didn't like in his story or maybe other kids are just the bullies who don't want to share their sandbox with him. Your muse is there but he's homeless now and you feel like all your hard work went down the drain. Sounds familiar? Well, there's something that can be done about it!

Let's make a small group to write together, it doesn't matter how small, still better than a psl because there'll be interaction and commenting and group chat even if it's just a few of us. The only rule here is that your character is a male and that you enjoy slash lines (no matter how dark or kinky or made of sugarcoated fluff vanilla with sprinkles on top - you deserve a chance to write your character because he's your kid, no matter what someone says).

If this post got your attention, then please comment here with the name of your pb (so we can put him on hold) and the possible application or your basic idea if you didn't have an application written up yet. Once we have enough interest, we'll get the mod journal set up properly (though still as uncomplicated as a gpsl should be.)
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[27 Sep 2018|07:37pm]
Would anyone be interested in a smut-heavy line against Angel? Canon characters would be great, but I'm also open to crossovers with other fandoms if we can find a way to make it work.

Drop a comment on the screened post if interested.
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[27 Sep 2018|08:50pm]
[info]gvil would anyone wanna work out a line with this guy? Not picky about faces.
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[27 Sep 2018|10:52pm]
This might be a bit of a long shot, but would anyone be interested in playing Kyungsoo against my Chanyeol? Preferably PB! I would love something like roommates who "hate" each other, but I'm certainly not limited to that if something else tickles your fancy.
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[ viewing | September 27th, 2018 ]
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