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[24 Sep 2018|09:19am]
looking for a long term slash line
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[24 Sep 2018|08:58pm]
An urban fantasy/dystopian/sci-fi or apocalyptic storyline for this obscure Japanese PB?

Not at all picky on faces, just want a clever, lasting line with an interesting dynamic between our guys. Community friendly if you have something in mind.
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ignore the journal [24 Sep 2018|09:21pm]
does anyone play adore? if not would anyone slash a rapper against yelawolf?
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[24 Sep 2018|11:57pm]
Looking for a PSL to play a Joe Keery PB against another guy. Got a few ideas for storylines but open to discussing anything! Appreciate a writer who can bring interesting plot developments to the table so that I’m not doing all the work.
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[ viewing | September 24th, 2018 ]
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