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[10 Sep 2018|06:50am]
looking for a good long-term slash line where faces don't matter. just plot and and writing!
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[10 Sep 2018|08:52am]
[info]packdynamics Just two more applications and we'll be ready to open!
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[10 Sep 2018|09:50am]
Slash where a college jock who gets dared to sleep with a fat guy but ends up having the best sex he's ever had? Thinking pre weight loss Jonah Hill as the fat guy, open on the jock. Will actually play either as well.
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Two things [10 Sep 2018|12:57pm]
Does anyone play and slash alexander skarsgard from his long haired true blood days and does anyone know the band psyclon nine?
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[10 Sep 2018|04:33pm]
considering taking this alpha into [info]packdynamics, but haven't yet figured out much of what i want to do with him besides the fact he's a considerably popular horror novelist.

platonic stuff of all kinds would be great, but as far as ships go i'm looking for someone else in the older age ranges (he's 47). hmu w/ anything, any PBs at all.
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[ viewing | September 10th, 2018 ]
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