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[04 Jun 2018|11:21am]
pb/celeb lines for a dacre montgomery character. age gaps preferred but not required.
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[04 Jun 2018|10:06pm]
i'm just looking for a fun slash line. something where our characters could talk for hours via texting, getting to know each other. a storyline where we could do a scene of a seemingly mundane moment in a relationship that's actually quite significant. something where we can add our own little details to make a general idea, over time, pretty damn specific. i used to do that. i miss that.

i'm hoping to use this face but i'm not picky on yours. other wrestlers are great. but so is anyone else. come to me ready to brainstorm and banter and it will be an early birthday present.

celeb/pb. comment the screened post or leave a discord/wire.
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[ viewing | June 4th, 2018 ]
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