slash storyline community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
slash storyline community

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[03 Apr 2018|12:08am]
Would someone want to work out a slash apocalyptic line? Leave where to reach you or comment on my journal. If you messenger my discord is DangerinRed#4914 and wire is dangerinred
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[03 Apr 2018|09:27am]
Would anyone 30s or 40s be up for a slash line against Idris Elba?
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[03 Apr 2018|09:45am]
Stranger Things slash? Steve/Billy (I'd play either) or Hopper for my Billy or Jonathan
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[03 Apr 2018|09:40pm]
A few writers and myself are looking to start a tight-knit private pb storyline based on the concept of m/m couples aged 40+ swapping partners. If this is the kind of thing you're into, please visit this post and let us know what you could bring to the table! This is a great chance to dust off some old storylines or characters and give them new life.
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[ viewing | April 3rd, 2018 ]
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