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[31 Mar 2018|03:56pm]
Every once in a while I get a bug for this - Would anyone like to do a line based off the games LISA the Painful/Joyful? Setting is a recently post-apocalyptic, Mad Max-esque Midwest where there are no cis women. The tone is pitch black comedy, and I would prefer something fast-paced. (Not necessarily in how fast we respond to one another, but in how fast the plot progresses.) Lots of psychodrama, fightin', and flesh monsters. No mpreg or a/b/o, but I wouldn't mind exploration of non-cis gender expression.

Failing that a slash version of The Handmaiden. We can mess with the details but I'd like the central plot intact. Please please please watch it.

Customs or Discord preferred, I have no PB preferences. Comments screened.
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[31 Mar 2018|05:38pm]
Looking for lines for my c-boys. The idea is they are sold by parents to rich men, and sometimes are kidnapped and sold on the black market. There are also the odd ones who are whores for a very high price and require an obviously high amount of discretion. I'd love to play a boy who has been through an abusive marriage and is sold again with some trauma along with him, a line where my boy is kidnapped and set during said kidnapping or after he's sold off, or one of those high-priced whores.

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[31 Mar 2018|10:26pm]
Random as hell, but could I get a Jerome, Gordon, or Alfred Pennyworth for a post-apocalyptic line? I was thinking zombies but we can just as easily change up the setting.
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[ viewing | March 31st, 2018 ]
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