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[12 Feb 2018|05:35am]
looking for a specific slash line, if you have time at all please comment!
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[12 Feb 2018|08:57am]
Slash lines for any of the guys in the journal? Would love to play some as bottoms but open to playing tops, black on black lines would also be love but I'm open. Hit me up. Open to journal or discord play.
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[12 Feb 2018|07:00pm]
Can I get a m/m line for Rick Grimes here? I'm really looking for a Negan (yes, I'm definitely looking for a dark storyline here), but could also be talked into a Daryl/Rick storyline, I think! All comments are screened, so just respond here and I'll make a custom or you may reply with a custom! Thanks!
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[12 Feb 2018|11:26pm]
an adam devine, niall horan, skylar astin or a similarly sweet but perma-friend zone type of face for a line where he's been pining for my guy's female best friend (or sister) for years and on the night of her wedding to another man he gets so drunk and pathetic that my guy takes pity on him and gives him an impromptu consolation prize in the bathroom. an act that unintentionally starts them down a path of awkward hilarity and confusion, which leads to them finding something way better than either was looking for. cute and smutty and everything between with heavy focus on threading and eventual customs, open to the face i use in return, southern setting a plus but not a necessity!
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[ viewing | February 12th, 2018 ]
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