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[16 Jan 2018|04:43am]
would someone play orlando bloom, or marilyn manson against depp?
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[16 Jan 2018|09:02am]
[info]pleasantgrove Brand new slash game for all your characters - both humans and those with supernatural abilities. Business owners are especially wanted for all the fun locations around our quaint small town. First adds will be done today!
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[16 Jan 2018|02:01pm]
would anyone consider pbing/celebing lucky blue smith?
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[16 Jan 2018|03:51pm]
[info]rattlesnake he needs clients! An older man as one of his favorite clients would be excellent. Someone who's very generous and sees Dar as something of a confidante. In exchange, he gets every ounce of Dar's attention when he's around and maybe even some special services.
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[16 Jan 2018|10:06pm]
[info]tarnishedmod The fae council representative, as Deacon here is their assistant. Female very slightly preferred for the line I'm envisioning but that's not strictly necessary. Oscar Isaac as something long-lived for constant run-ins and constant snark (and maybe sexual tension?) Daisy Ridley, Laura Dern, John Boyega, etc; let's Star Wars this shit up. Fae in general, more vampires for him to avoid. Everything!
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[16 Jan 2018|10:19pm]
[info]rattlesnake. Older clients, long time friends of this Las Vegas native who owns the Ranch, the missing manager, more stereotypical Vegas times (where are our magicians and lounge singers and Cirque performers, etc?).
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[ viewing | January 16th, 2018 ]
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