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[02 Jan 2018|12:36am]
check the journal!
[looking for slash psls playing on gdocs or discord]
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[02 Jan 2018|05:21am]
any chance i could get adam for my sauli?
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[02 Jan 2018|04:09pm]
Does anyone play Brock O' Hurn? I'd love a line with him.
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[02 Jan 2018|06:21pm]
[info]rattlesnake his sugar daddy, clients that book him, his ex roommate/hookup
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[02 Jan 2018|08:21pm]
younger omegas or possibly betas to give their alpha some much needed love. will also take sons, stepsons, or friends of his kids that he owns on a night they're sleeping over and steal his booze.
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[02 Jan 2018|11:06pm]
an alfred pennyworth so we can pick up where the mid-season finale left off? would love something that allows them to work through their ptsd, ust, and all that tragically wonderful co-dependence that makes these two so perfect. happy to write against others as well.
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[ viewing | January 2nd, 2018 ]
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